Girl Meets Truth

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Farkle POV
I'm at Topanga's with Smackle,Lucas and Zay. Lucas is still in a triangle with Riley and Maya. Riley really loves Lucas. Maya on the other hand doesn't seem to like him. I think she is still trying to figure things out.
We are studying right now and I want to ask Lucas a question. "Do you love Maya?" Lucas looks up from his book and seems unsure. "Farkle to be honest with you, I don't think Maya likes me." He says.
." "Yes dearest one?" "May you give us a minute?" "Why? Do want to talk about how you don't love me?!" "No, I just want to talk to Lucas and Zay." She gets up leaving us to talk.
"So, Lucas who do you like better?" "Oh, thats easy. Riley is the cutest." Zay says and it's true she is pretty sweet. "Wait...what about Maya?" "I dunno about Maya. She doesn't really seem into me anymore."

Please comment down below if you know how Maya feels. Please follow me!

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