Girl Meets Solution

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Lucas' POV
I go after Riley when she got up and left, probably because of Missy. I felt so bad. I had no idea that girls were suppose to asks guys. We can't say no so theirs that. I finally make it to the bay window. I knock. "What?!" I hear Riley yell. "It's Lucas open up!" She comes over and opens the window. She walks over to her bed and plops on it. "What's the matter, Riles?" I ask sitting next to her. "Why would you assume that theirs a probem?" She replies all sad sliding on to the floor. "Well you just walked out on the gang. You aren't saying your words correctly and you are mopping." I say stating the obvious. She glare at me and I slide down next to her. She lays her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her. "I'm so clueless." She finally says. "Well if makes you fell any better I didn't know that you were suppose to ask me." I say. "That doesn't make me feel any better." She snaps. "Riles. I promise. You are the only person that has a very special place in my heart that isn't my family." She smiles and then the smile fades away. "What about Zay, Maya, Farkle, Evan, and Smackle?" "They do to. Besides Maya she has a special place to kiss my-" "Woah! Ok I get your point!" She says stopping me from saying something bad. She stands up and and I do to. She embraces me tightly and the I hold her face in my hands. I lean j and she leans in and we kiss. I move my hands to her waist and she locks her arms around my neck. "Woah, make out session!" I hear Zay say we pull apart and look at him wide eyed. "I'm sorry! It just slipped out!" We all laugh and go back to Topanga's. Hopefully Missy doesn't mess up our friendship together. I love my friends and I never want to lose them. Especially Riley.

Girl Meets World: Rucas/Joshaya FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora