Girl Meets Homecoming pt.1

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Riley's POV
I get up and look at my clock. It reads 6:30. I get up and grab my outfit.

I get dressed then go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and apply light makeup

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I get dressed then go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and apply light makeup. I curl my hair and put it in a ponytail. I walk back to my room and grab my bag and shoes. I walk in to the kitchen and mom, dad, and Auggie are up already. "Morning." I say taking my seat. "Morning Riley." Mom says placing my pancakes in front of me. "Riley are you going to homecoming with Lucas?" I stop chewing and look at my dad. "Uhh, Yeah! Of course!" I lie. He nods and goes back to his newspaper. The buzzer goes off. I stuff the rest of my pancakes in my mouth and run to the door. "Coming!" I say with a stuffed mouth. "Bye Ma and Dad!" I yell and walk out. I try my best to get downstairs in high heels. I finally get downstairs where Maya and Evan are having a make out session. "Ew no PDA in the lobby!" I say causing them to look at me. "In our defence yesterday you and Lucas were gonna chew each other's face off!" Maya says. "True." I say nodding. We walk to the train station to catch the train to school.
We finally arrived at school I walk to my locker. Maya and Evan stared eating each other's faces off again. Right next to my locker! "Hey Riles! And cannibals?" Farkle says coming towards me. "So did you ever ask someone to homecoming?" He asks me. I never thought of that. "Urg. Noooo?" I say walking away to my first class. I started walking when out nowhere Missy comes charging towards me. I had no clue what to do. She bumped into and all of my papers fell out of my books and binder. I had been pushed on the ground. "Watch where you're going idiot." I here Missy say under her breath. She walks away acting as if nothing ever happened. I got on my knees and grabbed my pages. "Sorry Riles first period don't want to be late." Farkle says walking past me. Evan and Maya just walk straight past me to history. "Here lemme help you." Lucas says coming over to help me. "Thanks." I say getting up. I hug him and we walk to history together. We walk in to my dad's class and something terrible catches my eye. The board read homecoming. Ugh! Something I'm so feed up with.
It was finally the end of homecoming game. We won. Homecoming is a big deal for baseball, football, and other sports. We were attending the baseball game for Lucas, Evan, and Zay. After the game we wait in the stands for them to come back out.
My phone buzzes. I got a text from Lucas:
Lucas💜-I can't come out have to go with team and dates. See u @ homecoming!
"Hey you guys Lucas said the team has to go with their dates so we should take you Maya." I get off the stands and I walked by Maya. We saw Lucas and Evan with some of their baseball friends leaning on the lockers. I walk over but I stop in my tracks because I remember Maya was walking next to me. I turn to Evan who is with Maya. Surprised their kissing.........not. I walk over to Lucas and give him a hug. "Congrats on your win." I say not sounding happy about winning. "Thanks." He pulls me to the side. "You ok?" He asks me. "Yes! I'm fine!" He grabs my wrist before I can walk away. I obey and listen to what he has to say. "Is it about homecoming? Because it obviously seems to be bothering you." He puts his arm around me and hugs me to his chest. "Thanks. I gotta go get ready." I say walking away. One of his friends walked over and distracted him from going after me.

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