Girl Meets Homecoming pt.2

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Charlie's  POV
I take Riley's hand and pull her to the dance floor. I just stare at her for a moment. "Why are you staring at me all weird?" She asks. "I just think you look amazing tonight." I say leaning in. "Woah! Charlie! This is why you're a conflict! I have a boyfriend already." She walks away and I just stand their. I feel so mad. Why doesn't she just break up with Lucas and get with me. I walk to the baseball table to congratulate them on their win. "Hey guys congrats on your big win tonight. Ya know your not the only big win tonight. Riley just kissed me. And she is amazing." I say. Just then Lucas gets up and towers over me. You said what?" He says under gritted teeth. "I said Riley kissed me." He walks passed me to Evan and Maya who look shocked. "You son of a-" Maya gets cut off my Evan, "Woah hey! Babe! Don't use that type of language here!" He exclaims. "And that's not what happened Gardner! Riley turned you down cause she isn't a cheat!" Evan yells at me. Riley walks over. "I heard my name?" She says walking over. "Riles did you kiss him?" Lucas says sounding questionable. "Why would I kiss him. I'm not a cheater!" Riley says looking a little conflicted. "Told ya!" Evan yells at me. "So you're lying to me?" Lucas says turning to me. "I'm not lying to you. I swear she kissed me and I was the one the that stopped because I knew it was wrong!" I say causing Smackle to yell at me, "Listen pal! You've got a lot of nerve to lie on Riley like that. She didn't do such thing!" She says shoving me. "Smackle chill!" Farkle yells. Riley walks out. I was telling the truth why would I kiss Riley. She is with Lucas I wouldn't do anything to hurt their relationship.
Intense chapter huh? I was trying to finish it but then I was like just finish it so I finished.
Ok I am eager to see the Halloween special for Girl Meets World. It's an alternate universe! Also Auggie looked so adorable in his ghost costume! I'm I right?!

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