Girl Meets Graduation

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No ones POV
Riley, Lucas, Maya, Zay, Farkle, and Smackle are graduating. They all had to wear black and white under their blue and red cap and gowns. They all won awards. Smackle and Farkle won the Academic Award. Lucas and Zay won Best Athlete Award. And Maya and Riley won the Outstanding Scholar Award. They all gave speeches about their adventures at Abigail Adams High School. They talked about the ups and downs of going to the school. Some of the teachers were included in the speeches as well. They talked about legacy and what they're futures are gonna be like. Riley and Maya said they wanted to start a fashion company together. Lucas talked about working as a veterinarian because of his love of animals. Except Judy the Sheep. Zay talked about being a phycologist because he has amazing at problem solving. Farkle talked about taking over the family business which is worth millions of dollars. Smart choice Farkle. And Smackle talked about working in chemistry and identifying cool substances. Their all gonna pursue their dreams and become very successful in life. The graduation ceremony was coming to a end. "We may now present to you the graduating class of 2016!" The principal announces over the microphone. They throw their caps up. Their now high school graduates. Now what?
Well that's it. This is the end of the first book. Now on to the second one. Trust me you're all gonna love the second one. Okay I have a questions chapter after this one to recap on what happened. So I will post that in a couple weeks. Talk to you guys through the other book! Bye!

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