Chp,37 Unforgettable

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So it happened, it actually happened.
Yoandri Cabrera my boyfriend left to pursue his dream was I sad?, yeah of course I was but I had a feeling he was going to come back and soon.

Yoandri's POV
I didn't want to hurt Kyle I don't even want to leave her side but I was already with the record label and I had to go on tour.
I know that I'm going to go back for her, I have to because I love her.

Kyle's POV
The day after Yoandri left I wanted to stay in my room forever. I went on my phone and texted Yoandri.
Yoandri's Message's
Me- Hey Yoyo!.
Yoandri💗😁- Hey Kyle, how you doing?.
Me- Normal I guess, hbu?.
Yoandri💗😁- I could be better if I was over there.
Me- Hmm you will soon!.
Yoandri💗😁- Yeah I know.
Yoandri💗😁- Do something fun go outside, just pretend I'll come back tomorrow.
Me- I guess I'll try.
Yoandri💗😁- Thanks gtg but anytime please text whenever bye Kyle😚.
Me- Okay you too bye.

After I texted Yoandri I went just stayed and I was about to go to sleep but my brother slammed the door open and came in.
"You okay?" he asked as he sat down on my bed "yeah, why?" I asked confused "you've been here all day long!, what's wrong?" he said in a concerned tone
"nothing" I said "come on Kyle tell me!" he said whining
"ahhhh geesh fine it's just that Yoandri left but this time I understand and I'm proud of him but I'm also sad..." I said while trying not to cry
"why don't you forget about it for now go to the mall or with your friends!" he said happy
"me!, I don't have friends.." I said looking down "you have CNCO, Becky G, Annie Vera and Fifth Harmony oh and Luis Coronel!" he said "ahh fine, thanks a lot" I said and hugged him "of course I would do anything for you your my baby sister!" he said. After he left I started getting a ton of message's so I checked my phone again. Christopher's Message's
Christopher- Hey Kyle, wyd?.
Christopher- I know that Yoandri left for his tour, you okay?.
Christopher- Kyle are you okay?.
Me- Hey I'm not doing anything and you? and yeah I'm okay.
Christopher - The guy's and I were going to go see you, can we come over?.
Me- Oh yeah sure!.
Christopher- Okay be there in a bit.
Me- Okay.

Please vote and next chapter might be the last one. 🎈I'm doing a sequel!!🎉🎈 more details next chapter.

Prince Royce's Sister (Erick Or Yoandri) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now