Chapter 11:The Crime Scene

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Chapter 11: The Crime Scene


The threesome made their way out of the van with an impassive look sticking to their faces. Logan and Allen stood with their legs wide open in a boyish manner and stared at the repulsive mansion in front of them gingerly. Not able to look at the secret beholding mansion anymore, Logan diverted his attention to Helen, who was fetching gloves and plastic wraps for them to enter the crime scene.

"Here 'ya go!" Helen said in a shouting manner. She handed the plastic wraps and gloves to both the men and started to put on the gloves before proceeding towards wrapping the plastic wraps around her both her shoes. The men did the same and stood straight.

Helen stared at Logan, him at Allen and Allen at the mansion. A few moments passed and Logan broke the silence: "We're going to go in today right?"

"So eager. Why don't you go in first?" Allen said glaring at him. Shrugging, Logan made his way into the crime scene, only to be stopped by Helen.

"Don't go in yet, we need to see the possibilities of how the culprit could have gotten in."

Allen rubbed his slightly stubble covered chin before nodding vigorously.

"Let's do one thing: Hel you see the outside, I'll see the ground floor and Logan you see the first floor," said Allen. "We'll see the top floor together."


With that said, their ways parted.

Logan went inside the house with Allen hot on his heels. Without a word, they started the inception. Logan ran upstairs and lit the room by switching on the lights, which were surprisingly still working.

He walked calculated steps and started to inspect the huge hallway. He walked slowly on the dust laden floor and bended down slightly, positioning his neck crookedly. His eyes squinted as he stared holes into the floor, trying to collect any possible evidence.

Scratch. His eyes looked at the small imperfection in the perfect hallway in such a way that if someone else would have seen him, might have thought that he was going to google it. He walked slowly towards it and examined it.

The scratch was thin but, long. It covered almost 2 cm. It looked like someone was being dragged through that way. Where the scratch ended, it clearly showed that the person was being dragged at their full height. The scratch looked fade and his guesses were that it was of a boy as girls these days rarely had short nails. His approximate guess was that the person was about 5'4 foot.

He leaned down and touched the scratch gently before getting away and banging straight into the room in front of him.

The room was big and was painted in navy blue. It had clothes lying all around the room. From the boxers and Linkin Park's posters on the wall, he could tell that it was a boy's room.

He wiped off the sweat that seemed to make its way down his forehead. He checked the whole room for a trace of suspicion but, failed. He then hesitatingly walked towards the balcony. He opened the locked French glass door and slid it open.

His breathe stopped for a moment at first when he discovered the little hint. A normal walking by person would have taken it for a twig but, Logan knew better. His senses had flared the second he saw it. He knew in a second by the slight silver colour it attained, that it was no twig.

He reached for it and fondled it in his big hand. He lowly started to peel off the silver covering and when he finished doing so, he registered that it holding a cylindrical green material in it. The small material had small silver square spread around the small wire like piece.

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