Chapter 15:The End(Final Chapter)

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WARNING: The psychological terms used and explained in this chapter are just my imagination.

Happy reading!


Chapter 15:The End(Final Chapter)

"Well this is shocking." Johanna finally answered, recovering from the euphoric state he felt.

Johanna and Jessie had eventually checked their phone and once they discovered the numerous missed calls that their counterpart had left, they panicked and came straight to the house. On their arrival, Logan proceeded into telling them the whole new discovery we had made in the last few hours. Simultaneously, Helen had gone to take a shower (As she was feeling sleepy) while Allen and Sarah were discussing something.

"Hello guys!" Helen chirped. "I think that this idiot told you everything."

She winked at me as giggled, causing Logan to throw his hot-angry look our ways. During our exchange, the other two agents entered the room. Sarah had a bundle of wires dangling down her arms and Allen was carrying a machine which, judging from his expression was heavy.

"Johanna, we're ready to do it."

For the second time that day, I had the luck to encounter a certain amount of seriousness in his face. The agents turned their faces towards me, as if waiting for me to say something. When I didn't open my mouth, their stares became more penetrating.

"What?" I asked more timidly than I expected.

Allen gestured me to plant my hands outwards. I followed his instructions and watched confused as Helen set the machine that Allen was holding earlier on the coffee table beside the couch I was sitting in and Sarah started to put the wires or better I say pipes she had been holding on my skin. She used multiple white, medical tapes to attach it to my skin. I started to panic when she brought a huge pipe near my mouth.

"Sweetie, it's okay." She assured me. "We are doing this just to check what's wrong with your body."

In some other case I would have beaten her up for saying thing but, I could barely contain myself from fainting. I saw images blurring slowly as I felt a pinch in my arm.

Suddenly, I heard a distant voice calling out my name. The voice was familiar but soothing than it ever was. I opened my eyes that had accidentally closed and the sight that unveiled in front of me was somewhat of a disaster.

I saw a room. And not any room, Danny's room. I looked sideways to look in a mirror that had been standing there. Letting out a gasp, I touched the mirror, tracing my figure in it. My nose was slightly bended like it would usually in a mirror.

Out of the blue, Danny appeared behind me.


My voice was unheard by him. Instead, he just looked into the mirror adjusting his shirt. He looked slightly nervous as he cleared his throat.

"I like you very much As-"

"Hey birthday boy! What are you doing here?"

Danny was cut short by none other than me. I watched as I saw him fumbling with an answer, still trying to process what was happening. Then it hit me. Hit me really hard. I'm going to find out what happened...

Taking a shaky breathe, I followed Danny and me. Upon reaching down, I heard a loud roar of 'Happy birthdays' as everyone jumped on Danny showering him with blessings. I saw myself pulling Danny through the crowd and taking him towards the simple yet huge chocolate cake that had been prepared by a well known bakery, 'La' Delicious'.

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