Chapter 13: Greetings, Bad News!

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Chapter 13: Greetings, Bad News!

I had a bad feeling in my stomach that ensured me that this was going to be a hell of a talk. Universe had given me all the signals.

1) Johanna was the one who announced this pleasant news.

2) My girl instincts were turning on their six sense.

3) My intestines had started to do some voodoo kind of dance, if that is possible.

Now, the above signals came into play only when, let me repeat, only when something very bad was going to happen. Well, leaving the Johanna part. But, the point is that I knew this talk was going to be even more weird than the 'Teenage Talk', you know what I mean. And the last time I remember these signals kicked into my life was when I was in third grade and peed myself during a camp.

Yeah, my bladder is small.

My breath started to fasten when the investigation room came into the view. I was the first one who entered the house, the team following me. To my utter surprise, Sarah was already present in the room.

I waved at her suddenly feeling shy. Smiling at me softly, she gestured me to sit on the chair.

"Okay," Jessie said with puffed cheeks. "Kiddo, we got some info."

Raising an eyebrow at her, I started but was interrupted by Logan.

"That was so bad Jess," he snorted. "Just stick with being the goody shoes."

Glaring at him, she turned towards me. "Anyways, so as I was saying-" she emptied a bag on the table-"we have some stuff to discuss."

Swallowing awkwardly I nodded my head as Jack and Luke appeared with a few chairs. I waited as all the agents sat and the two servants left the room, closing the door behind them.


Allen bended over the table and picked out a photo from the heap of objects.

He held the photo towards me close enough to describe it. My hand fled towards my mouth.

"Do you know this place?"

"Tha...that's Danny's room." I whispered still in shock.

"Yes, it is. But, do notice something different?"

After a while, I replied, "Yes."


"He had a computer on that desk-"I said pointing towards the desk-"which if I remember was dear to his life."

Helen, Logan and Allen shared a knowing look. Helen approached Sarah and whispered something in her ears. A few seconds later, Sarah took out a computer chip and handed it to Helen.

"Is this thing familiar to you?" She held the plastic clad chip in front of me.

"No... wait. It looks like his video camera thingy."

"What!" Johanna yelled towards me, causing me to jump in my seat. "No time to be sarcastic!"

"I'm not being sarcastic!" I yelled back. "Dan was into this software sh*t."

"So, you're saying that he had a video in it?"

I nodded my head.

"What was exactly in it?"

"Danny was trying this experiment thing to see if his CCTV cameras were working or not."I said. "This chip contained the footage of the cameras."

Everyone suddenly had a panicked look on their face and then the chaos broke down with everyone running around and shouting.

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