Chapter 14: Midnight Murderous Dreams

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Chapter 14: Midnight Murderous Dreams


I stood up from the floor whilst rubbing my butt. Looking down to my messed up covers, that flowed like water under my feet, due to which my epic fall had become plausible. Suddenly feeling nauseous, I ran to my bathroom and towered on the pot while puking my guts out.

Great. Just great.

Rubbing my forehead I entered my room trying to find a water bottle. Yet my efforts were in vain and so I decided to have a little trip to my kitchen.

Air passed the narrow slit between my tightly pressed lips in form of shaky breathes. I cowered in fear as walking at midnight in the house that was barely lit by the little light my phone was offering, was scary. Like really scary.

I made a sound in the back of my throat when I discovered that a figure was already standing near the fridge, its hand on a knife. With widened eyes I watched gingerly as the figure descended its wrist that held the knife towards something... possibly its wrist.

"aahh!" My hand automatically went to cover my mouth as a scream escaped through it. The figure whipped around to reveal its face.


"What are you doing here?" she asked in a rather harsh voice. I clumsily yet hurriedly reached out to switch on the lights. As the fluorescent light enlightened the room, I heaved a sigh as an apple was revealed in her hand.

So she was cutting the apple

"J-just came to have some water." I stuttered. She nodded her ghostly before resuming to cutting her apple. We both acted in silence. She cut and I drank.

"Well, good night." She started to leave only to be stopped by me.

"Were you still hungry?" I asked holding her wrist. She shrugged my hand before mumbling a yes and proceeding towards her room.

After her depart, I walked back to my room too. All the way back I kept my hand on my frantically beating heart.

Shaking my head once reaching my room, I instantly dived into my bed. Releasing a few terrified breathes I closed my eyes trying to get some sleep.

Out of the blue, sounds of footsteps came to my ears, making them perk up. I felt the footsteps get closer and shut my eyes more tightly. I feel a breeze of air over my head causing me to open my eyes.

There stood Helen with a somewhat rueful face. She sat at the end of my bed, dipping it slightly. Before I could even sit, she placed her hands over my shoulders. And started crying.

I watched her uncomfortably as she cried her eyes out in front of me. I brought a hand up slightly caressing her cheeks making 'shooing' sounds.

"I'm so sorry." She drawled out breathlessly.

"But wh-"

A knife came towards my face.


I heard my name being called out but, all I could do was rub the blood off my face. A blurry face came into my retina's view. Its jet black hair tickled my face. Once my vision cleared, the face's identity came to my knowledge. Helen

"Ashley why were you screami-"

Shouting I pushed her shoulders back, making her fall down. I looked around wildly to see the faces of Logan and Allen.

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