Part 9

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Next morning at malhotra mansion......

Manik got ready and came downstairs to dinner area where nyonika and raj was waiting for him for breakfast.... And because it's sunday manik and raj both relaxed as they are at home today.. But manik still thinking about yesterday and want to know how is nandini doing....

Raj excited : manik.. I am thinking about a trip in fact i and viraj thinking to plan a trip for a week as we had cracked three deals and we don't have much work so... What you think.. Your mom is in...

Manik : it will be great dad as it is like a family tour... Dad can fab 5 also join....

Raj interrupted : manik... Of course fab 5 also a unforgettable part of this family you just call them... And tell them to come ...

Nyonika excited : so done... Now we need to think where we will go for our family trip.... I and madhvi talked about this and....

Raj interrupted : we won't go any villages....

Nyonika irritate : raj we didn't decided that we will go to villages haa okk...

Raj teasing : yes but you will... i know... Bhabhi and you always thinks... Same..

Nyonika : uff... Raj shut up... Haa

Manik giggles listening his parents. Nok-zhok...

Manik interrupted : mom -dad stop fighting we will decide where will we go... lets discuss with everyone and then we will see...

Raj : i am proud of you beta... Otherwise your mom toh only knows how to fight with me...

Nyonika :what... What you just said I fighting with you... You started and now blaming me... And..

Manik interrupted : mom - dad please... Now let me call viraj uncle and fab 5... We need to think about trip...

Raj and nyonika together : okk...

Manik dial viraj no..

Phone conversion

Viraj : hello...manik how are you beta...

Manik : i am fine are you and aunty...

Viraj : everyone is fine beta...

Manik : uncle i called you... because i think we should meet and decide where we should go and make trip plan....

Viraj : yes it will be good beta, otherwise your aunty will lead us to something...Purana mandir and all..or any any villages...

Manik : uncle you and aunty also had fights... same as mom - dad... lets meet and decide please don't argue with each other....

Viraj : haa you toh will support your favourite aunty na..

Madhvi from back : i am manik's aunty not yours. Ok...

Viraj teasingly to madhvi : ok aunty....

Madhvi : ufff.... Viraj...

Manik giggles : uncle please give phone to my aunty...

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