part 15

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After getting ready manik came out of his room to have breakfast and they settled in living area ...

Manik was thinking about nandini's anger and was looking tensed ...raj noticed him ....and asked..

Raj concern : manik anything bothering you..

Manik coming out of his thought : aah no dad ...I am fine ..

Nyonika : no..manik you are tensed about something and I noticed you ...

Manik smiling : mom ..don't worry I am fine..

Nyonika : nahi batayega ..?

Raj : wow...leave nyo..bada ho gaya hai na...

Manik : ohkk I am telling...woh ...

Interrupted by...

Tring ..tring......doorbell

Nyonika : main dekhti hu...

Manik relaxed himself...

Raj : meet me in study room manik after sometime ....

Manik yes...

Fab 5 enters in malhotra mansion followed by nyonika ...

Cabir : hey manik...why you are not picking my calls I am trying since an hour...

Manik : woh cell phone is in room ...say...

Cabir : okk ... Signals him to talk alone ...

Manik understands him and signals ok ...

Cabir : uncle.. aunty ..our packing is done...

Nyonika smiled : good sit baccho I will get something for you all ...

She left for kitchen ,raj left for office, alya mukti and dhruv were busy in talking ...cabir dragged manik to the garden ...

In garden

They settled on bench ...

Cabir : what's happening...looking tensed...

Manik : hmm I am...woh nandini she is angry...

Cabir : kyun ??

Manik : woh I don't know..exactly.. but may be because of ..

Cabir interrupted

Cabir : because of ashna ...yeah manik I mean every single time ashna is around I notice nandini sometimes she disappointed sometimes furious ...

Manik : hmm but now what should I do cabir ..and on top of that I offered ashna to join the trip ..shhhaa yaar

Manik looked at him : I am so tensed yaar ...

Cabir : hmm u should be ...after all its all crap is created by you only...

Manik helplessly : cabir yaar ...what if nandini nahi maani ..

Cabir : maanegi don't worry ...and smile now ...everything will be good ..

Manik : I hope so...

Manik's phone started ringing...and it was again chipku ashna ..he didn't picked up ...

Cabir : manik pick up the phone its ringing ..

Manik : no..its ashna and I don't want to talk ...she is so chipku yaar ...

Cabir laughing : good ..but yeah she is chipku really ..

And they laughed together..


But here ashna is fuming as manik didn't picked her call and other side she was so crazy to be with him...

Ashna evilly : so now you don't even want to talk to me...I know you are doing this to stay away from me......but I am ashna I won't let u be away from me ...waiting for the trip time as on this trip I will make you mine

Meanwhile at murthy mansion

Nandini was restless and sitting on her bed with packed baggage of hers ...

Abhimanyu knocked on her door and came in...she smiled

Nandini : bhai ...come na ..see I did packings ...

Abhimanyu : Nandu are you tensed ....

Nandini hide her tension from him : no bhai why would I be tensed I am ok ...

Abhimanyu : okk..mukti told me that she saw you tensed..

Nandini smiling : bhai you knows mukti... she always thinks about my happiness because she wants to see me always smiling and joyful and I am happy so what I am quiet this days ...she takes so much tension for me...

Abhimanyu too smiled : hmm because she loves know what when ever we meet na she always talk about you ...sometimes I confused I think she loves you more than me ...

Nandini smiling : of course she loves me ....more than you...because she knows that my brother loves me so much ...

Abhimanyu hugged her : my baccha you are my little doll ...and I can do anything for your happiness..

Nandini smiling : bhai I am fine and tell mukti that I am ok ...otherwise she will be stressed...

Abhimanyu nodded and left


After abhimanyu left ..nandini took phone and called mukti ....

On call

Mukti : hello doll ...

Nandini smiled listening her : Mukti ...

Mukti interrupted

Mukti : how are you everything ok..

Nandini smiled : mukku ...mukku ...I am ok I knew it tum tension me hogi bhai told me that you asked him to talk to me ...hmm ..

Mukti : hmm because I thought you will tell him..

Nandini smiled : hmm what you think only you love me ?I don't love you ?I won't tell you? You are my friend would be bhabhi why would I mind if you say something to can ask me anything Mukti ......don't ever feel hesitate to say me anything.. Hmm

Mukti smiled : hmm ...I wanna see you happy Nandu yesterday I saw you lost somewhere and tensed asked abhi to talk to you ...Nandu promise me you will tell us if something bothering you...abhi and me ..we can't see our doll in tension... Hmm

Nandini teary but smiled : and your doll is ok..hmm Mukti I have to go we will talk later hmm..

Mukti smiled : ok take care you bye...

They hung up......

After talking to Mukti.....

Nandini teary : I am sorry Mukti and bhai I can't tell you what bothering me a days...but I will surely tell you later ......

Yeah I was not regular because i was busy but back for my readers as you guys were waiting for updates updates will come regular ......


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