Part 1 -

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-=Charlie's POV=-

I watch as Benny whacks the ball with his baseball bat, dropping it on the floor and running off to first base. He sprints, a concentrated look on his face.

"Yeah! Go Benny!" I scream, the others behind me cheering him on too. He was so fast at running.

He's at third base now, and is running back and forth, trying to get to home base. The fielders are trying hard to get him out, but he manages to get home safe.

"Woo!" I cheer, the boys running ahead of me with massive smiles on their faces. I throw Benny his glove and he catches it with ease. "Well done, man." I say with a big grin on my face.

He wheezes what I think is a laugh "Thanks Charlie." he says, clearly out of breath and very tired.

*10 minutes later*

"Bye, Ham. I'll see you tomorrow, kay?"

"8 o'clock, okay Ham?" Benny asks ham.

"Yeah, see ya Charlie. Sure thing Benny." Ham answers jogging off slowly to his house.

I look across at Benny and he smiles at me, and we begin walking down the sidewalk.

"You did good today, Benny." I say, then spotting a red trailer across the road. A blonde kid is lifting boxes out of it and setting them on the ground. He spots me and Benny, and starts to smile. I smile back, nudging Benny on the arm. He too turns round to look at the new kid and the boy smiles harder and starts

-=Scotty's POV=-

I set the box down and turn around to get another one filled with my belongings, but I spot a girl and a boy walking down the pavement together. I see the bat in the girls hand and the glove in the boys. They must like baseball! I like baseball too, but I've never been able to play it properly.

Then, the girl seems to have spotted the red trailer, because she turns around and looks at me. I smile at her and she smiles back, revealing pearly white teeth. She nudges the boy and he turns around too. My smile grows wider, maybe they'd want to be my friends! The boy nods at me, turns again and starts walking back, into a house just across the road. The girls shouts goodbye to him and walks into the house next to his.

-=Charlie's POV=-

"Later, Benny!" I shout as Benny walks off into his house.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay Charlie?" he asks. "8 o'clock?"

"Yeah, bye." I smile

"Bye." Benny smiles back before turning and entering into his house. I walk further down the pavement and into my house, the one right next to Benny's. I run upstairs and change into one of my big T-Shirts that goes down to my mid-thigh. I sigh tiredly and jump into bed, but not before putting on one of The Beatles songs.

What an awesome day today was.



This is the first story I've made, so if its not good please don't comment bad things about it :)  


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