Chapter 13

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I lost count after my third beer. My vision started to blur and it wouldn't be long until my words start slurring.

We were playing truth or dare. It hadn't gotten to me and it never did. We stopped playing because..actually I don't remember why we stopped. I will admit I was scared. I didn't want Megan to pick me.I would have probably chosen dare and she would have told me to strip or do something stupid.

The night went by quick and I don't remember how I got home. I think Harry drove me. The rest of the weekend was a blur too. I went to dance and slept a lot.

Sunday was the best day. Harry came over so we could start writing the words to the song. I'm going to admit something. I started liking him. I mean, how could I not. He was gorgeous and so funny. He was perfect and I liked him. A lot.

He stared at me as I pulled the cover off the piano keys.

"You still haven't even showed me the music."

"What do you think I'm about to do?"

"Oh. That makes sense." he smirked at me. Uh, that smirk was so hot. Wow. Kora, calm down. He is just a guy. No reason to get all worked up.

I ran my fingers over the keys before I began to play. The more I got into the song the more the smile of Harry's face grew. He seemed to be watching me intently. His eyes twinkling with delight.

When I was done I didn't look up. I could tell he was smiling at me.

"That was beautiful."

I stayed quiet.



"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just thinking."

"About what?"

"I think I have the first couple of lyrics."

"Well, let me hear."

"Now you were standing there right in front of me

I hold on it's getting harder to breathe

All of a sudden these lights are blinding me

I never noticed how bright they would be" I sang while playing the first few notes.

He sat there. I could tell he was thinking and running the lines over in his mind.

"I love it," he finally stated.

"You do?"

"Yeah and I think I have the next part. Move over." he gets up and pushes me to the other side of the bench.

"Well that was polite." I muttered.

"Shut up. I'm thinking."

"You could have just said plea-" he placed his hand over my mouth and I licked his palm.

"You're gross."

I stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes and started singing and playing what I had given him. I had never heard him sing before. I was stunned. He, honestly, sang like an angel. It was gorgeous. He even added a new part.

"I saw in the corner there is a photograph

No doubt in my mind it's a picture of you

It lies there alone in its bed of broken glass

This bed was never made for two"

He looked at me, "What do you think?"

"I love it."

"Why are we coming up with this so easy? I thought it would take us forever."

"I did too, but I guess not."

"You got anything else?"

Did I? Probably not. My mind can only process so much. I was still trying to get over how heavenly his singing voice was.

"No huh?"

"Yeah I don't have anything."

"That's cool. Maybe I should just try and get this down."

He played the notes and sang along, while I sat, stupidly, in a trance watching his every move. The way his eyes closed when he held a note. The way his fingers flowed across the keys in swift and steady motions. The way his upper body moved with his hands. The way his eyes gleamed in the dim light. He was beautiful and I had fallen for him. Fantastic. This was fucking fantastic. I had done just what I was trying to avoid doing.


Hey guys sorry this chapter is so short. It has been a long time since I have updated, but if you like this please vote and follow me on twitter @harrehsboner. Also read my new story Secrets & Lust. :)))) I love you guys! Thanks for reading!

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