Chapter 15

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"Sweet Ophelia..."

Matthew sighed. His voice monotonous and dry again. His sapphire eyes were now icy blue, holding vague emotions as he stared at his former wife's painting hanging on the wall.

"No one can ever replace you, no one was meant to replace you. I was wrong thinking that I'll find someone as faithful as you..."

Jenavive stopped, taking a deep breath. It was raining hard. She could not see where she was going. Her clothes were now tattered and torn with splotches of mud here and there. Her limbs were covered with multiple bruises and cuts.

She was lost.

Suddenly the sky growled as if someone had angered it. Jenavive flinched in fear.


Something that frightened her since she was a child.

Everything was pitch black, she could only see the trees bowing and bending frantically in the darkness.

She was tired.

She heard another growl, this time it wasn't the sky but a growl of an animal. The sound got louder and louder and suddenly turned into a howl.


She had encountered them before during her hunting games but back then she was armed.

She began to run once again, her heart beating a hysteric tattoo against her chest. Suddenly her leg was caught in a fallen branch of an old maple tree. She fell on the muddy ground, spraining her ankle and wrist. The princess struggled to get up but she had no strength to. Her eyes began to feel hazy and her wits began to dull before the darkness consumed her.

Donovan entered the grand hall in haste, shrugging off his coat gracefully.


"Yes, sire?"

"Did Jenavive come back? It's quarter to eleven."

He saw Maria fidget, a habit the old maid did out of nervousness. Donovan tapped his feet in impatience.

"Sire... She was back but-"


"I was out in the main ground, feeding the hounds when I heard the prince arguing with her. She wasn't in a proper condition, her hair and clothes were a complete mess. Suddenly I saw her slap Matthew before she ran away to the woods with tears in her eyes."

Donovan's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Where is Matthew?"

"The last room of the west wing."

'The place where all his memories are buried.' Donovan thought before heading to the west wing and then to the last room where he found Matthew staring at Ophelia's picture.


The Prince turned his head towards his father. "What do you want, father?"

"Where is Jenavive?"

"I don't know, I don't care."

"What do you mean you don't care?"

"She went to Loringard."


"To sell her body for a peace treaty."


Anger began to surface up in Donovan's body as he stared at his son in disbelief. "Are you in your senses, Matthew?" He advanced towards his son, his fist clenching in rage. "Do you even know what you are speaking of?"

"You knew she went there, did you?"

"I did! In fact, I was the one who let her go there, but never ever would Jenavive would do something so degrading like that!" Donovan was now in front of his son, seething with rage. "How could you blame her? She was invited there for dinner! Not to become a prostitute! How could you say something disgusting like that?"

"She had a bite mark on her neck," Matthew frowned. "Her hair was dishevelled and clothes torn."

"So you decided to assume-"

Suddenly realisation hit upon Donovan, his eyes widened and he pulled his hair in anxiety. "Oh Lord! How can I forget telling her," His breathing became erratic in worry. "Her former fiancé is the chief minister of the King of Loringard!" Donovan growled and held his son up by his collar. "If she were to sell her body, she would have come back without any spot on her body or her clothes. Hell, she could have come back in better ones!"

Matthew frowned, he didn't think of that. His eyes returned back to his normal sapphire colour. Slowly guilt began to claw him.

"Did you ask her what happened? Did you, Matthew Adonis Reynard?"

"No." He looked away. He never gave Jenavive a chance to speak.

"Go find her," His voice became threateningly low. "If something happens to her. Dante won't take your head but I sure will," He let his collar go. "Go now!"

Matthew obediently nodded before heading out of the castle. How could he be so foolish? He doubted her. He doubted a lady who had already been doubted once? He let his anger and jealousy get the best of him.


Of course he felt jealous! She was his wife, his Vive.

His wild cat.

He was in love, but he didn't know that yet.

The rain had stopped yet the clouds covered the sky, blocking out all the light of the sky.

'A torch would have been mighty fine, know?' His conscience mocked him.

'Says the one who doesn't speak when I need to think coherently.'

'Your intelligence is soluble in anger.'

'Yeah right.'

'Besides you should be smart enough to know that you talk to yourself, doofus.' His conscience pushed his glasses up before vanishing in thin air.


He went further in the woods but he couldn't find Jenavive. His heart began to sink.

What if he never found her?

What if she was attacked by the nocturnal animals?

Matthew began to fret.

"Vive? Vive! Are you there?" He yelled into the void, hoping that she would reply.

No response.

"Vive! Say something! Pardon me for being rude, I'm sorry! Just say something!"


He could only hear the leaves of the maple trees flirting with the wind.

His heart began to grow wild, pushing against his rib cage, wanting to burst out. Cold sweat began to drip down his face. His eyes widened in fear.

"I can't find her.... I can't find her.... Why can't I find her?" He screamed.

He screamed loud.

He screamed till his throat was dry.

The prince wandered aimlessly in search of her till her found her body near the lake.

The same lake where Ophelia was murdered.


Vive died Rosalyn is the new heroine
Lol jk don't kill me 😂

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