Mikey finds out - 1

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Narrators POV:

The turtles just got home after a long nasty patrol. It rained outside and they're all wet and shivering. "That was a disaster!" Donnie said. "We lost the Kraang. And the purple dragons got away as well!" – "yeah. And just because a certain someone just CAN'T control his anger!" Leo stares at Raph. "ME? WHY AM I THE ONE WHO'S RESPONSIBLE?!" – "Because Raph, YOU can't control your anger for once! If you would have listened to me, we wouldn't be so beaten up and hadn't lost the fights!" Raph just glares at Leo and storms of to his room. Leo sighs and went to his room. Donnie went long ago to his lab. And Mikey went to the bathroom to dry himself. After he dried himself he went out of the bathroom, took his skateboard and went into the sewers to skate a bit.

Donnie's POV:

I went into my room and I was bored. I couldn't stand the fight between Raph and Leo anymore. I took my t-phone and opened the chat from me and April. I decided to text her.

'Hey April :)'

I waited long until she answered.

'Hey Donnie, sorry this is a bad timing. I'm learning together with Casey'

'Oh. Okay sorry'

I throw my phone on my lab table and slammed my head onto the table. I will never get her.

Aprils POV:

"Urgh finally. Sorry baby. Where were we?" I grinned and kissed Casey passionately.

Mikey's POV:

I skated through the sewers. I ended up in a part of the sewers which I didn't knew. From one tunnel I heard music. I wonder why there is music playing in the sewers. I followed the sound and saw a mutant man/gorilla standing in front of a door. I got closer to the mutant. He looks at me and says as he laughed "you're not getting inside short one"

Donnie's POV:

I went to my room and took my shell of. I kind of discovered how to do this. But I didn't told anyone, that I can take my shell of. So I walked to my closet and took out tonight's outfit. Some blue jeans, a white t-shirt with a deep V-neckline, black Nikes and a jeans jacked. I snuck out of the lair and went straight towards the mutant club. I looked on my phone and scrolled through my messages from different mutant girls I knew. Soon as I arrived I greeted Carlos the gorilla mutant. "Hello Carlos" – "Hey D. do you know this little guy?" I was confused, "what little guy?" I looked up from my phone and saw Mikey who looked at me with his jaw on the ground. I groaned in annoying. "What are you doing here Mikey?! Why aren't you in bed like Leo and Raph!?" – "I was bored...I found this place...Where the shell is your shell??" – "I will tell you everything. Just shut up already and go home." I wanted to go inside the club. When I heard Carlos say. "Ya know D, since this is your brother he can go inside with ya." He smirked and I gave him a death glare. Mikey squealed and asked thousands of times if he could go inside with me. I eventually gave in and he went inside with me. He gasped at how it looks like. It was really an awesome location. Everything was illuminated in purple, pink and blue. It had a stage in the middle of the room and a really long bar. Some couches and some rooms which you know what...you can do in it. I sat down at the bar with Mikey. I ordered two beers and greeted many persons which I knew. I thanked the man at the bar for the beer and drunk the half of it. Mikey just stared at me. I sighed. "So...first of all. You can't tell anyone what I am doing here! Understood?" he nodded and hold up his hands. I rolled my eyes and sighed one more time. "So...my shell, I kind of figured out how to take it off after a lot of experimenting. And I found this club. This is all you have to know." Just then two girls approached by my sides. Larissa and Mindy. "Hey Big D~ want some fun?~" Larissa said. Mindy had a big grin on her face and took off my jacked. "Mhh that body~...I want it all sweaty...~" If my brother weren't here now, I would have sex by now. I pushed those two a bit away. "Sorry ladies, not today...my brother is here..." Larissa's grin grew wider. "He's as hot as you...is he also so big?~ mhh a foursome" Larissa went over to Mikey and sat on his lap. He doesn't knew exactly what he should do. I stood up and took Mikey by his arm. "I said, today no. he is still a virgin." – "new flesh" they followed us to the couches. I groaned. "Please, Larissa, Mindy, I don't want to do it. Neither I want to do it with him in the same room. Pleas just go. There are plenty of men here." They both stood up and pouted. "But none of them are as big as you are~" then they went away to another man at the bar. I looked at Mikey. He was all read and shocked. "Sorry Mikey..." he simply nodded. Oh god. I'm so busted.


So...the first chapter....hope you like it. :) tori's out. peace

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