Pleas don't say a word!

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Don's P.O.V:

So...after all that embarrassment and sitting awkwardly in silence with my brother Mikey. FINALY the lights dimmed a bit and a wonderful mutant woman with a long red dress on came onto the stage. Every man in the club cheered and whistled. Then she started to sing. And oh god, her voice is gorgeous! I looked up to her with a grin. I barely noticed that Mikey taped my shoulder. I turned around and saw him staring with what seems like heart formed eyes up to her. "You like her?" I asked with a grin. He nodded. "W..who is this..? Why is ..she human?.." I chuckled a bit. "This, is Mira she works here as a you can see. And she indeed IS a mutant...she is a shapeshifter. She was actually a human she looks like this in her real form. Isn't she sexy?" *He just stared and nodded. "W..wait, how can you know so much about her?.." I rolled my eyes. "I'm here nearly every night and Talk to her often....I kinda wanted to fuck her...Just like every man in here ...but nobody, Not even Me got a Chance! She is unbrakeable..." He was a Bit Red. I assume he Likes her VERY much. "Maybe you get a Chance on her...Try your best Little Brother" I smiled at him. He took his can of Beer and drunk it all. My eyes widened. But then he suddendly stood up. "I..I need to go ...Home now!.." He was clearly drunk...Wow Mikey's first beer and he gets drunk. He can't stand alcohol. I stood up too and guided him slowly out of the club. We walked home together and he almost fell over every junk which was on the ground. We silently went into the lair and I brought him to bed. He yawned and I smiled. "Good night Mikey" I whispered and went out of his room and into mine. I changed to my 'normal' outfit and went to bed.

The next morning

Raph's P.O.V:

I yawned as I woke up in the morning. It was already nine o'clock so I thought Mikey made breakfast. I stood up and put on my red mask. As I went out of my room I didn't smell the sent of pancakes or eggs'n'beacon. I was confused. In the kitchen was nobody. I was hungry af. So I went into the dojo. Leo sat there and meditated. "Hey.. ehm morning Leo...did you see Mikey? He didn't make breakfast!" He didn't open his eyes but sighted. "Maybe he's still asleep?.." I rolled my eyes. "This isn't Mikey...I'll go wake him up. I'm hungry" before he could say anything I went to Mikey's room. "Hey yo Mikey!?" I knocked onto his door but there wasn't an answer. I knocked louder and I heard a small groan in his room. I went in and saw him laying on his stomach, with his blanked and pillow on the ground. I went to him and shook him. "Mikey I'm hungry! Why are you still asleep???" He held his invisible ears close and moaned slightly in pain. "My head hurts...Wanna sleep!.." I was confused. "Why does your head hurt?.." He shook his head. So I turned him into his back and held his arms. He hissed at the light. I saw that he had real big eye bags under his eyes and he slightly smelled like beer. HAD HE BEEN DRINKING?! "Mikey! What Happened!?" In the same moment Leo walked in and saw him. "What the shell happened to you Mikey?!" He whined and slowly sat up against the wall behind him. "I...I was out last night..." Mine and Leo's jaws dropped to the ground. He then explained, after we gave him an aspirin, that he found a mutant club when he was skateboarding. I was surprised, but I wanted to go there!

Don's P.O.V:

I woke up and made my dayli routine. Even if I wasn't drunk and haven't an headache. I took the aspirin, drank some orange juice. Took a very short shower and made me a mug of coffee. I heard my three brothers come out of Mikey's room. HE TOLD THEM??? They don't look friendly to me! "M..morning" I said and then they smiled and greeted me. THANK GOD! "Hey Donnie, we are going to a club today to go and investigate. Mikey found one last night!" Leo said to me. THAT LITTLE BRAT! "Okay..this will be fun!" I said. Then Leo and Raph walked to the kitchen. Mikey slowly after them. He looked at me and moved with his lips the word 'sorry'. I clenched my mug and was angry and worried at the same time. I drank the hole mug like a shot and took out my phone. I texted Carlos.


-' sure D' what is your problem?'

-'Mikey told my brothers about the club!!! We will all come today!'

-'And with what exactly can I help you?'

-'Could you PLEAS tell everyone that they should act like, you know...THEY DON'T KNOW ME!?"

-'Chill down D! Okay I will do that..don't worrie'

-'Thanks Carlos!..I'll own you one! Till later!'

-'yeah, you do. By'

I'm glad that Carlos will help I have to only kill Mikey at the right time. I went into the kitchen, just as Mikey served the food. I thanked him and when Leo and Raph looked away I gave him a death stare. Then we all ate. Master Splinter came to get us for training and we trained 2 full hours. After we went showering and then we went out into the sewer to 'find' this club. Mikey went first to guide us. The three of them chartered while I walked in silent behind them. As we approached the club Carlos was just coming out of the club. Mikey greeted him and he back. We went inside and I looked at Carlos with the words 'Thank you" written on my face expression. The guys were stunned when they saw the room. I played along. The workers and guests grinned at me, every time my brothers didn't watch. I was so fuvking ashamed! Pleas...don't say a word!..


Guys I'm so sorry this took sooooooooooooo long...I have a writers block and can't find any good words or idea's for my pleas don't be mad at me. I'm ready to write again..I think...I just had inspiration again^^ thanks for reading this!  I'm always open for comments! So...
Tori's out by!

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