She just wanted to train hickeys..

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Raph's P.O.V:

It is amazing here! The location, the drinks and the girls! How the shell didn't we found this place earlier?! We all sit at the bar. I drank some beer while Mikey didn't drunk anything. Leo tried champagne and apparently he liked it. Donnie...Donnie was rather quiet. He also didn't drunk anything... He's just sitting there in he.. embarrassed?? I looked closely at him. He just stared at his hand which was on the table. Didn't he like it here?...yeah okay maybe he likes his lab more then a club...I wanted to ask him if he liked it here, but suddenly he stood up and ran through the club to the other side. I didn't saw him anymore and just in that second two mutant girls appeared on my left side. I have to admit, they look damn hot! I smirked. They apparently were looking for something or someone...were the looking for Donnie?!....nah.. I tapped on one girls shoulder. She turned around. "Hey" I smirked at them. "Are you looking for someone?" The girls gasped when they looked at me. The blonde one begun to talk but the Brunette held her mouth close, so I only could her here mumble something. It sounded like.. "Omg! Your big D's..." I didn't recognized the ending but I was confused. The brunette smiled at me. "Sorry. We are just looking for the toilet." Then they went away. Weird... I turned around to ask Leo something, but he wasn't there anymore...where could he be?? I looked around. I asked Mikey where he is and he told me that some girls took him over to the couches. I went to them, and when I arrived I saw that a girl was on his lap and tried to make him horny. She rubbed down his plastron and Leo had a huge grin on his face. There were two other girls sitting on each side of him and doing the same thing. Why wasn't Leo shaking them of?? Then I saw that on the small saloon table were many champagne glasses. I stepped in and lift the girl on his lap up and sat her onto the couch. Then I took my drunken brother which pouted at first but I hushed him. The Girls tried to take him back but I didn't allowed it. I went away with Leo and took Mikey, which were staring at the singer. She indeed IS very gorgeous! But we had to go, I didn't want that my brothers loose their virginity to such a girl. We just had to find Donnie. I sent Mikey out with Leo who couldn't even walk normal. Then I went to search for Donnie. I couldn't find him. So I took out my t-phone and dialed his number. I could hear throughout the loud music his phone ringing. It came from behind a door in the back...what was he doing in there and why don't he pick up?? I hung up and suddenly he came out of the door. Completely out of breathe and nervous. As I looked ar him i saw some... HICKEYS?!!! Then a girl came out of the room to and kissed his cheek and went away grinning. Donnie grinned for a split second and stared at her ass. Then he checked his phone. He was in panic. He dialed someone's number and my phone rung. I saw him jump in surprise, since I stood in the corner, not far away from him. He turned around and his eyes widened. I came closer to him. "What was that all about?" I asked him with my armes crossed. He stuttered. "I...ehm..was sleeping.." he said. "Donnie, don't freaking lie ta me, I saw ya commin' out of the room with this girl. You have fuvking hickeys on your neck!" I pointed at them. He backed away a little. Clearly overwhelmed with the situation. "Was that your girlfriend??" He looked at me and then he shook his head. "Then WHAT exactly have you done with her in this room!?" I pointed at the door. He winced a bit as I spoke louder. Then he sighed. "Why do I have to tell you, when you already know it?.." Don said. "Because brainiac, I want to hear it from YOUR mouth because I can't believe it if you don't say it!" He sighed. "It was nothing..we-" - "NOTHING?!" - "We just talked and she was drunk...she wanted to practice hickeys. Nothing happened Raph!" I glared at him. I didn't believe one word he said. I'll find it out by myself. "Okay then..let's get home, fearless is drunk" he was first speechless but then he laughed. "What?? He's drunk?!" - "Yeah and three girls wanted to make him horny." He laughed even more as we walked out of the club. As it seemseo and Mikey already went home. So we went after them.

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