Mikey... Who's Mira?

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Hey, it's Tori! I'm so sorry that it takes so long to upload new chapters... I'm a busy person 😅 but here's the next chapter xD. Sorry it's short...

Mikey's P.O.V:

I walked to Murakamis with my bros Leo and Raph. I needed them to get out the lair cause of Donnie's actions.... WHAT THE SHELL IS HE THINKING DOING IT AT DAY TIME?!

So anyways we were sitting at the table at Murakamis and ate some pizza gyoza. We didn't spoke anything while we were eating.

But then suddenly my phone buzzed. I took it out under the table and saw that Mira texted me. I smiled.

Hey Mikey^^

Hey Mira😊

What are you doing rn?

I'm at Murakamis with my bros, why r u asking? 😆

I was just wondering if you come to the club today :)

Oh yeah I would love to come and see you!! But idk if it's possible today...😒

Oh...And why is that so?..

Not end of texting, but raph took Mikey's phone

"GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK!" I shouted and reached to it, but raph was bigger. "No! First you will tell us who you're texting with!" - "No! Give me back my phone!!" Leo stood up and took the phone away from raph. "Chill raph, I bet he's texting with LH or Mondo, or Donnie." He looked at the phone. "Mikey... Who's Mira?" - "SEE I TOLD YA HE HAS A WHORE!"

Narrators P.O.V:

Raph shouted angrily, but Mikey was angrier. He stood up and punched raph with much force straight in the face. Raph fell on the ground and holds his face. "Don't you dare call her a whore EVER again!" He said sternly. Both Leo and Raph where shocked. "Now...GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK!" Leo gave it to him, still shocked. Then Mikey left.

Raph and Leo both looked at each other. "What was that...?" Leo asked while raph slowly stood up again. His lip was bleeding. Leo gave him a napkin to clean it.

"Okay Raph...Now I believe you...We have to find out what's going on with Donnie and Mikey.."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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