Stop thinking our brothers are man-whores!

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Hey, Tori here....Sorry that nothing came in so long...I was very busy...Many exams in school. I had aggressions because of our fucking dumb teacher(s) and yeah...My search for a job...Life's a rock right now, which I have to carry... But yeah. Here we go with the story :)

Narrators P.O.V

While Raph and Leo were talking in the Dojo, Donnie went with Mikey to the kitchen. They cleaned everything up and made some food.

Donnies P.O.V

I don't know what to do, I have to get her out of the lair without the others knowing! But I also don't wanna her leave.... She is so perfect, her body is gorgeous and her moans..Daaamn.. she is just hot! So now Me and Mikey are bringing the food to my room. I opened the door and Megan was still asleep nacked on the bed. I smirked and covered Mikey's eyes. He blushed badly. I just admirred her body and bit onto my bottom lip.

I sent Mikey out of my room. He should look that nobody goes to my room. So he sat down onto the couch.

I slowly went to Megan and sat down on the bed. I spread her legs a bit and softly licked on her womanhood. She gasped a little. I smirked and pleasured her with my tongue. As I went into her she woke up and moaned. She looked down on me and her breathing began to go faster as she was close to her climax. She rubbed my head and moaned my name. I went deeper into her and she came.

I slowly rose my head up and licked over my lips. "T..That's...A..nice..Way to wake up in the..Morning" she said. "I know~ and you taste so good~" I responded and kissed her properly on the lips. "I brought you food." I held gave her the plate as she was sitting. She thanked me and ate.

While she ate the food Mikey made for her, I looked at her and smiled.

Mikey's P.O.V

I was sitting on the couch, as I heard soft moaning come Frome Donnie's room. I rolled my eyes and watched Crognard the Barbarian.

After a while I got bored and had to think of Mira. I smiled to myself and remembered that she'd gave me her number! I took out my phone and opened WhatsApp and texted her

+Hey Mira, it's me Mikey^^

After some minutes she responded.

-Oh hey Mikey! What's up?😊

+Nothing much, sitting alone, watching some TV, and you?😊

-Same xD

Narrators P.O.V

Mikey smiled, then she asked if he would come to the club tonight. He responded that he will do anything to come. He was so exited about it that he jumped up from the couch and yelled "BOOYAKASHA" In this split second, Leo and Raph, both came out running of the dojo to look why he's yelling. Mikey became red and told them that he'd won a game on his t-phone. Then he ran to his room.

Raphs P.O.V

"Told ya they are acting weird." I said to Leo. He nodded. "This was weird, why was he red?" I laughed a bit. "I think he got a girl" Leo hit me on the arm. "Stop thinking our brothers are man-whores!" I had to laugh. "Omg, I would say fuckboy, but man-whores. Lmao" I laughed hard but after a while I was stern again. "So now what?" Leo asked. "Oh wow, fearless leader asking me what to do. I like that." I smirked as he rolled his eyes. "Okay, okay. I say, that we wait till night time and look what they do." He nodded and we sat down onto the couch.

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