I will never get those pics out of my mind anymore!

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Leo's P.O.V:

I woke up with a bad headache. I groaned as I sat up. On my nightstand was an aspirin and some orange juice. I took it to me and then stood up. Have I drunken so much? I can't remember anything!... I walked out of my room and saw Mikey playing with his PlayStation. "Morning Mikey...ehm we have training at seven, why didn't you make breakfast again?!" He looked at me and laughed. What is up with him?! "Leo, didn't you looked at the time?! It's two in the afternoon dude! You slept until now!" He said and laughed. "Why did I sleep that long?!" - "because..Leo, you were drunk as hell" he laughed and I became red and went to the dojo to meditate.

Donnie's P.O.V:

Thank goodness Raph didn't suspect anything! After we went home last night I sneaked back to the club and met another girl which I texted with very often. But this time, I went as usual. We drunk some drinks and then went to the back room. Then I came home. My clothes were torn apart, we were very wild...But she was awesome! Now I'm searching for my  charger. My phone died some minutes ago and I was about to text Miranda back. I bet Mikey took it again! I went to look for him and saw him at the couch. He told me he left it in the kitchen, so I grabbed it and walked back to my room and plugged my phone in. It took forever but finally it was on again. I fast texted Miranda back and went outside to take a shower.

Raph's P.O.V:

I've heard that last night someone of my family sneaked out of the lair. When I wanted to look for who it was, the person was gone. I've had a suspicion that Donnie is the one but as I went to his room I heard snoring from the inside and the door was locked. So he was here... But all the others also were...something isn't right. But I couldn't do anything last night so I went to bed again. This morning we had training without fearless because of his drunkenness. We all had to laugh, expect for Splinter which was disappointed. Then we went silent and trained. I recognized that Donnie didn't had his hickeys anymore...how the shell did he removed them all that fast?! Anyways...I have an eye on him. I followed him the whole day and he always was on his damn phone! I have to see what he's doing or whom he's texting with! Maybe the girl from yesterday...maybe he lied, and she is really his girlfriend and they had sex in there. Which I don't want to believe, but everything points towards this...so now I'm sneaking into his room and took his t-phone while he's gone. It has a code lock in it! Damn! I typed in AprilO'neill because that was the first thing which went through my head and...IT WORKED! he's so pathetic... But yeah..I saw that someone texted him in the same second. As I go into his WhatsApp I gasped. I scrolled down the many contacts of...GIRLS! WHERE DID HE GET THAT MANY NUMBERS?! WE WERE ONLY ONE TIME AT THE CLUB! then I thought. Maybe...he isn't there the first time... I clicked on one chat and opened it. After I read I wanted to burn my eyes. I never. I repeat, NEVER get those pictures out of my mind anymore!....the girls were okay even if they were naked...I kinda enjoyed it, but his?!!! He sent her a fucking dick-pic!!!!! I think he didn't only sent it to this... Emily.. and.... WHERE IS HIS SHELL?! I was freaking out. I laid his phone onto the place it was and searched in his room for more clues. After i did found nothing, I were about to open the big closet. For what does he have a closet?! I tried to open it, but it was locked...what is he hiding?! Picked the lock and finally it opened. I looked inside and frown. Why does he have so many cloves...they don't fit him! His shell is to large...wait...on the...ugh..picture he haven't got a shell...My eyes widened. Maybe he isn't even a turtle! I closed the closet. I will find out what's that all about! But thirst I have to sneek out of his room, he's coming back!

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