I want to talk to him alone

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Miras p.o.v:

As I was singing on the stage, I could sense those many man staring at me. It was so annoying! But I can't get another job...and I'm payed good here...so yeah...

About me..so I'm Mira Zeyden. I'm 16 years Old...yeah I know that I'm pretty young and working in a club, everybody thinks I'm older. I'm also older looking than I'm actually am. By the way. I'm an orphan child. My parents were taken away from me when I was a baby...I can barely remember but since then I'm a mutant. Even if I look like a normal human, I'm a shape shifter.

So I lived alone my whole life..well barely, one day I met this girl. She was an orphan too so we decided to get together so we weren't alone anymore. She is a little bit younger than me, she's like the sister to me who I never had. We live together near the club. I managed to get her go to school. So she learns and I earn the money. It works perfectly.

As i sung the Last Part of the Song i noticed a Boy. He was staring at me..nothing New, but his eyes Show something different than the eyes of other man... I smiled a bit and he became red. How cute! I will talk to him! I got of the stage and went to change clothes. After that I came out if my small room and went to the bar. I sat down next to that boy. He at first didn't notice me. 'Till I said "hey" to him. He turned around and gasped slightly. I smiled at him. He stuttered "hy" I chuckled a bit. Then another boy came, which I knew to good. I rolled my eyes as he grinned at me "oh hello mira~" he said. I groaned but smirked teasingly. "Hello Donatello, or should I say, Big D~" I laughed. He grinned. "You haven't seen me, so don't joke around. I could show you that I am indeed are big" I sighed. "No need. I don't want to see him" I turned to the silent boy. "And what's your name?" Instead of him Donnie answered. "This is my little brother Michelangelo. Mikey for short." I glared at Donnie. "I asked him and not you. Can you please go away, I want to talk to him alone" Mikey was red. It was kinda cute. Donnie left smirking and whispered something in his ear. Then he walked away to some girls.

I looked ar him. "So ...Mikey, was it?" He nodded. "I'm Mira, nice to meet you" he nodded. I chuckled. "You're cute." He became more red. I smiled. "Ehm...so Donatello is really your brother?" He nodded. "Is he at home also like that like when he's in the club?..I mean..with girls?" He shook his head. So Donnie might really has a double life. But now I want to hear more of Mikey. "Can you tell me something about you?" I looked at him. He was nervous, I could sense that he was nervous. "I ...am...Mikey" he smiled a bit. "Yeah, I know" I chuckled. He looked away. "Hey, I'm not laughing at you. I think it's just cute how you act." He looked up and smiled.

Donnie's POV: Caution! Contains sexual stuff, if you don't like such stuff go to the next bold text!!

After I told Mikey that he should go home alone cause I will be here longer than him I went to some girls and talked to them. After a while some of them went to go home or something different. So it was just me and a girl with long grayish black hair. I must admit, she looks beautiful. And her body in this skinny dress is so hot! The top of her dress was nearly transparent, so I could see her breasts. She sat next to me and smirked. "So now we're finally alone~" I smirked back and nodded. I moved closer to her. Since we sat on a couch in the corner of the club. We were alone in the corner and suddenly we made out. I held onto her head, while she had her arms around my neck. A waiter approached and we had to pause our make out session. He brought us a shisha. I took the tube and smoked a bit. Then I gave her the tube and it looked so sexy as she let out the smoke.

We smoked shisha and made out for a bit longer. Then all of a sudden she sat down on my lap and spread her legs on both sides of me. I grinned and she kissed me roughly. I kissed back as rough as she. The she started to rub her body against mine ans I became hard. She sensed this and I felt my pants get wet from her. I smirked and went with one of my hands under her dress and my boner got harder, she hasn't got any underwear on. I rubbed my finger against her cl*t and she started to moan. I got horny as hell. I looked into her eyes. "My home?~" she nodded and said: "fast~ I need you now~" I stood up and walked fast with her to the exit. We ran to my home. Before we entered the lair I told her to be quiet and we snuk in. I locked my rooms door and turned on the soundproof system. I took of her dress and admired her sexy body. We kissed wildly. I pushed her onto the bed and crawled ontop of her after i undressed myself. I kissed her neck and made some hickeys. She moaned underneath me and held onto my back. "I..mhh please~ I need youu~" I grinned and took a condom from my nightstand. She took it away from me and kneed Infront of me, licked my cock. Then she put on the condom and I pressed her again down onto the bed.

So it's over, from here you can read. (For those who don't like sexual stuff)

We went rough and she couldn't stop moaning loud. I love it! But something was different to this girl then to all the others I had...first of all..I took her to my home! I never ever did that! I don't really know why I did that but it seemed so good to take her home! Second. I kinda feel connected to her in a way...idk...but yeah.

Now we are laying and panting on the bed. I asked her if she wanted to watch a film on netflix and she nodded. So I started a film on my laptop and made up one more shisha. Since I have one at home just for me.

We laid on our stomaches smoked shisha and chatted. She's funny! We laughed often.

"Hey..question, do you always take girls to your home?" I shook my head. "You are the first one" - "why that?" I scratched my neck. "I don't know...I never did that before...I just did it without thinking...maybe..I don't know... you're kinda special?" She smiled "aww I'm special, how cute! The fuckboy is becoming soft!" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah maybe..." I let out the fume and looked to the laptop. "...why are you like that?.." I was confused. "Like what?.." I asked. "Like a fuckboy?.. I've heard that you sleep every night with someone else...not only one per night...what's the cause that you are like that?.." I was kinda speechless and looked down. "Okay...honestly...I like this girl..we met her 2 years ago...at first I thought she liked me back...but then she started to ignore me and gave me hundreds of excuses why she can't text me rn or talk to me...so I'm going out every night to forget her by fucking girls and drinking alcohol." She just nodded and laid there in silence, until she chuckled. "What's so funny?" I asked. "I'm not laughing about you silly, it's just...I never thought you would do all this because of a girl you can't get...it's cute.." she said.

Cute?..what's cute about this?? "But you don't have to laugh..." She stoppen anf looked at me "sorry...I haven't kneewn that you had a soft side..." I simply nodded and she took a the tube from me. "You know...I would enjoy to do this all again sometime" I smiled a bit and then smirked. "Sure" I kissed her and she kissed back.

After we made out again we both yawned and fell to sleep.

so guys, sorry for the long pause, I've been busy those past weeks. And also, this is my first story which I've wrote with sexual content. So sorry if it wasn't so good😅 so by guys,
Tori's out✌

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