He was banging that girl!!!

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Mikey's POV:

I was so shocked that Mira talked to me! After Donnie was gone we had a grate talk. Her laugh is so cute and she's really funny!! I like her sooooooooo much! But every night has an end...sadly, but before I could walk home, she took my arm and wrote down her phone number and winked at me. I was red like a tomato, but smiled. Then I walked home.

It was late, so about 4AM and I had training at 7AM so I walked in quickly and went to my room. But before I could enter my room I saw purple light shining from under Donnie's door. 'he took a girl home?! He told me he never does that!'  It was weird, but I shrugged it off and entered my room.

I jumped onto my bed and fell into a deep sleep.

When morning arrived I was quite tired. Okay, I was up 'till 4AM but now it's...6:30AM!!!! I NEED TO GET UP!! I jumped out of my bed, in the same moment someone knocked on my door. It was Raph. "Hey sleepyhead, get up! I want breakfast" I rolled my eyes. "I'm up! Be there in a sec" as I was about to walk out of my room I noticed that I had still clothes on. 'shit!' I searched for my phone. And when I found it I texted Donnie.

-I need my shell, ASAP!!



+what emergency?..

-My shell!!!

+What's with that?

-It's still in your room -.- I NEED IT!!

+Oh yeah, come get it, it's like in the middle of the night!

-Look at the time...and I thought you were the smart one..-.-


-First, chill out Donnie! And second, okay. But hurry up!!

Then Donnie didn't text back. But my door was torn open and shut close with a heavy breathing Donnie against it with my shell in his hands. He gave it to me and I got dressed.

"So Mikey...i need your help...I kinda brought a girl home last night and..-" I interrupted him "you said you don't bring home girls, it's to dangerous that they will come back" he nodded. "I know I said that...but she's different! I might have found THE girl!!" I couldn't believe the whole story. "And what's with April?" He became silent and looked down. "Sorry..." I said. He just nodded. "So ...do you will help me with her?" He asked. "What do I have to do?" - "I need you to help me sneak her out at night..now she will stay here..it's to risky to sneak her out when everyone's around." I nodded "okay..but don't she need food?" - "y..yes..and that's the other thing you will help me." I rolled my eyes. "Okay. I will bring her food after training, we need to get going, raph was here just a minute ago and he wants breakfast!

We both exited my room and went to the kitchen. There was a broken toaster, bread on the floor, orange juice all over the kitchen walls and the pan with the eggs'n'bacon was burning. Me and Donnie fast killed the fire. I sighed. And made a fast breakfast and gave it to them all.

After a while splinter walked in, as he saw the big mess Raph and Leo have made he sighed. "In 10 minutes in the dojo." Then he walks out again.

After those 10 minutes we all were in the dojo sitting in front of splinter. He talked a bit and then we started to go 1vs1 first it was Leo and Donnie.

Leo's POV:

It was me against Donnie. An easy task to be made. But something was off about Donnie... Since about 6 months he became more talented and better in fighting. Not like the normal efforts we make, but some huge ones! One time he even beat me fair! But not today. Also...he kinda changed..he is the whole day on his phone, in the lab or in his room. He didn't spend much time with us anymore...I need to ask him what's up...

I looked at him and smirked. "You will go down" I said as he laughed. "Dream on" he answered. Then splinter said hajime and our fight begun.

I started by running at him and wanting to kick him in his side, but he dodged and hit me in my left side. I stumbled backwards and looked up at him. He smirked and attacked me. He took me up and wanted to throw me onto the ground. As I was up I saw that he had some bluish purple bruises on his neck. I decided to hit one of the bruises and he let me fall to the ground. I think I hit a nerve. I fast stood up and made him fall to the ground. Then I sat onto his plastron and grinned at him. "Who has won now?" I laughed and he looked away. I still looked at him and noticed that his plastron is kinda far away from his skin...I was worried and stood up from him and wanted to help him up but he refused to take my hand and stood up on his own.

The weird thing was, that he held his hand over the bruises. 'what is he hiding?' I thought. Then he sat down on the wall behind us and waited until the others two fighted he looked away.

I sat down next to him. "Donnie? is there something wrong?" I asked him. He shook his head. "No everything's fine Leo." He said. "Are you sure? You acting kinda weird.." he looked at me and said. "Yes Leo! Everything's alright, stop asking" he growled and I shrugged a bit. Then he leaned against the wall. And again I saw the bigger gap between his shell and his skin. But I decided that I will ask him about that at a different time.

After a while the fight between Raph and Mikey ended and Raph had won. I stood up and had to fight against Raph. But he...he wasn't the Raph I knew, he didn't grinned at me and said some lame jokes about him winning and me loosing. He was concentrating...wow, Raph doing that is very rare seen. So we fought and he won. He smirked short and then had his concentrated face again. 'what's up with everyone?!'

We both stood up and Splinter dismissed us from training. Donnie and Mikey fast walked out of the dojo, so I was about to follow them, but Raph stopped me. I asked him what's up. But he just pulled me into the corner. "Raph! What's the matter?!" He shushed me. "Pssshht, they can not hear us!" I rolled my eyes. "Okay, so what do you want to tell me??" He looked behind me and then at me. "Did you notice something odd about Donnie and Mikey??" I was kinda stunned that he is asking me that...but why Mikey? "Yeah...about Donnie but Mikey? What's odd about him?" - "his shell is loosen" he answered. I couldn't believe him. "Raph, what do you wanna say with this?" He looked again behind me and then back at me. "Remember when we went to this club?" I nodded and became red. "So while you were drunk and Mikey walked you home after I saved you from the girls who wanted to sleep with you." He smirked a bit while I became more red. "Yeah I searched for Donnie in the whole club to take him also back home but I didn't find him...so I called him and his phone was ringing behind a door. So I waited and after a while he walked out with a girl." I nodded. And was stunned. Our Donnie with a foreign girl? He continued. "And he had hickeys all over his neck and the girl's hair was messed up and she also had hickeys all over her neck. She kissed him and went away. He looked at his phone and called me. After he jumped up scared from the ringing sound of my phone behind him I confronted him with the question what he was doing with this girl. And you know what he said??" I shook my head. "He said that she wanted to train hickeys on him!" I looked confused. "Why would he do that?" I asked. He rolled his eyes. "He talked himself out! He was banging that girl!!!" He blurted out. I became red again. "Raph, i think that this is a Big missunderstanding, he certainly didn't...slept with-" he interrupted me. "He did!!! He does this every night!!" - "wait wait Raph, you want to tell me that our Donnie sneaks out every night to go to girls? I can't believe this." He growled. "But he does that. In the club, he goes to this club every night! And now he also takes Mikey with him!" I was confused. "Why..mik-" - "because he want's a girl!!" He said. "Oh and also, both of them can take off their shells!" I had to laugh. I looked him into the eyes. "How much did you drank today?" He growled. "I'm completely dry! I haven't drunken in ages!! If you don't believe me I will prove it right to you!" He said. And I agreed.

Hey guys, Tori here. This is one of the longest chapters I've written so far xD but it also is kinda boring so sorry... The next ones will be more interesting and I will post them maybe later today^^
Tori's out ✌

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