Chapter 1

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    Neverland, a place where new dreams are born. A place where your reality is a dream. A place where you're free.

Neverland is a place where our ancestors told us to go, where we can escape from deadly diseases and bloody wars. A place where we could be safe. And in the fire, a magic bean, a gift from our ancestors, appeared. This bean gave us hope and we treasured it until we were all ready to explore and live in this new world.


"Tiger Lily, this is not the time to stare at these flowers. We need to find a place where we can settle in this new land," my father spoke. I sighed, but obeyed for he was not only my father, but the chief. I followed him back to the beach where my people stood, waiting for orders.
"My people!" The chief loudly announced. He raised his arms up as a sign for them all to pay attention. Without hesitation, the tribe stopped chattering to each other and whipped their heads to the chief. "It is time for us to find a place to settle. It is time to make Neverland our home!"
With that, the tribe cheered, their eyes growing with anxiety.
"Gather your things! I need guards in the front and the back, for we do not know what lurks in these forests!"
Immediately, the tribe gathered everything and followed the chief and some guards into the dark and mysterious forest.
I however, stayed near the back of the tribe, where I could walk more slowly and admire the beautiful, green scenery. The leaves were a beautiful, dark green. The dirt was soft under my moccasins. The flowers popped with different colors, to which I carefully picked one and stuck it above my ear, and into my raven black hair.
"Princess Tiger Lily, you must keep going," one of the guards urged. He placed his hand on my back and lightly pushed me forward. I sighed and kept walking.

A/N: so this is the first chapter for Tiger Lily! I promise Peter Pan will come soon! Plz vote!!!!

Tiger Lily- A Peter Pan Fan Fiction- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now