Chapter 6

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Peter Pan's Pov

"For now I am your Lost Girl," she corrected . I smirk and grab her hand, pulling her to the dining table. "So every time you grab my hand, you're going to dig your nails into my skin?"

I stop right at the door and turn around to face Tiger Lily. Her raven black hair in two braids on each side of her head, her ice blue eyes complemented her golden tan. When she smiles, my heart skips a beat for whatever reason. I absolutely hate the feeling and that's why I keep her sad or angry. I let go of her hand and look away.

"Pan, about the two kisses we had...." She stops, and looks down, a little smile started to appear on her face. I hesitated, unsure of what to do.

So I choose my head over my heart, "what, do you think they actually meant something? Who could ever love you?"

She bites her bottom lip, tears were starting to form in her eyes, "no Pan, the real question is, who could ever love a demon like you?"
She trudges around me and into the tent to join the boys. I stood there, my heart felt like it had a weight in it, pulling me down. However, I ignored it and went into the tent like nothing happened.

"Goodmorning boys," I greeted as I opened the door to the dining tent. The boys stop eating and chatting and turn their heads to me, all with big smiles.

"Goodmorning Pan," the boys all said at once. I smiled and went to the head of the table where I sit to eat. A few of the boys passed the food over to me, to which I gave a quick nod to thank them.

Everyone was chatting away except for Tiger Lily. But she kept glancing across from her and giving a quick smile before taking a bite of the food on her plate. Across from Tiger Lily sat Sebastian who was smiling and making silly faces to Tiger Lily. I darted my eyes from Sebastian to Tiger Lily, they were both smiling. Both of their eyes were brighter than before. I glared at Sebastian, almost fuming with rage. He immediatley glanced over to me and put his head down, not looking up once to see Tiger Lily. This made Tiger Lily frown and turn her head towards me. However, I looked away from her to the empty seat right next to me. An empty seat that was supposed to be occupied by Felix.

"Where's Felix?" I asked. The boys stop chattering and stare at the empty seat, all with clueless faces. "Has anyone seen him this morning?"

All the boys shake their heads except for Sebastian. He shared a tent with Felix.

"He woke up early as usual to get some firewood in the forest, but he hasn't returned," Sebastian answered.

My eyebrows furrowed, Felix would never leave me unless he was.... Kidnapped.

"Those stupid Pirates," I growled as I stood up, "boys, get your weapons! Quickly!"

The boys nodded their heads and ran out of the dining tent and into the weapons tent.

"What's going on?" Tiger Lily questioned, getting out of her seat and following me outside.

Without looking at her I said, "the Pirates took Felix and we need to get him back."

I walk into the weapons tent and open a chest. This chest is mine where all my weapons are in. I grabbed a sword and a dagger and walked back out to lead the boys to the beach.

Tiger Lily's Pov

I quickly grab a sword and a dagger, just like Pan. Then, I quickly ran outside and followed the boys, keeping my mouth shut. Sebastian glanced back and noticed me. He stopped and waited until I got closer to him. I give him a quick smile and he does as well.


We got to the beach in just ten minutes. Ahead, I saw a huge ship in the deep blue sea. Pan stops and turns around.
"Here's the plan. Jakob and Alexander will take the left of the ship. Mason and Ethan will take the right. And Sebastian, Bryce, Tommy, and I will take the middle and fight our way towards whoever needs help. Hook knows we will be coming so his men will be prepared for attacks," Pan ordered. The Lost Boys nod their heads. Pan walks to me, he had a smirk plastered on his face. "What do you think you're doing, princess?"
I put my hands on my hips, "what? Do you think I can't fight?"
He nods his head with a chuckle, "You don't stand a chance against those pirates."
I smirk, "well Pan, you really don't know me then."
We hold each other's gaze for a minute, "Tiger Lily will join Mason and Ethan."
I grin and glance at Sebastian who mouthed the word, nice.
"Alright boys and girl, I am going to teleport all of us to the ship, so be prepared," Pan warned.

In a blink of an eye, we disappeared from the beach and onto the ship. The ship had chipped paint and cuts on the wood all over. A bunch of pirates with tattered or patched clothing surrounded us, all with grins and greedy eyes to spill blood. Tied to a pole stood Felix. His eyes wide with bruises all over his face.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Peter Pan," A deep voice spoke. A man appeared, his clothing much more neater than the rest. He wore all black, even his hair is black. He came down the steps and closer to Pan. I looked at his left hand, noticing a sharp hook was replaced.
"Goodmorning Hook. A lovely day isn't it?" Pan smirked.
Hook stepped closer, a grin grew on his face, "yes, especially when I have one of your Lost Boys."
Pan pointed the sword at Hook, "I'm getting him back."
Hook laughed, "then fight for him boy!"
Just like that, Pan slashed his sword at Hook. Unfortunately, Hook quickly took out his sword and blocked the attack. The Lost Boys started hollering and began to fight the pirates. I went to the right of the ship and began to attack, slashing and stabbing my sword at every pirate in my way. I dodged attacks left and right, ducking and jumping away from the blades that swung towards me.
"Look at what we have here. A girl," one of the pirates grinned. He came towards me, raising his sword up. I quickly kicked the sword out of his hands then spun around and punched him hard in the face. The pirate stumbled back, his eyes wide. I ran to him and knocked him out with the bunt of my sword.

Peter Pan's Pov

I fought Hook just like any other fight against the pirates. He swung his sword like a mad man, fury building up inside of him. I slashed my sword at his arm, making a deep cut appear. Hook yelped but continued to fight back.
"I see you have a girl with you," Hook spoke as he slashed his sword at me, "she's a good fighter, she would be an excellent member of my crew."
Fury raged out of me, "you're not going to touch her." I swung my sword at him, but he blocked it.
Hook grinned, "you fancy her don't you?" He attacked me again, only to have his sword blocked by mine. I don't answer his question and continue to attack him. Hook smirked while blocking my attack, "I knew it! You do! But does she fancy you?"
I hesitated, almost a tad late from blocking his attack. He puffs out his bottom lip, "poor boy, she doesn't wuv you." He slashes his sword down low, making me jump. I quickly kick him, sending him to the ground. His sword fell out of his hand. I started kicking him in the stomach repeatedly. Hook winced at every kick.

I stopped when I heard laughter and turned to see Tiger Lily standing on a railing fighting off two pirates at the same time. She kicked one of the pirates off the railing as she stabbed another with her dagger. I smiled as I watched her. She finished fighting all of the pirates around her and turned her head to me, a big grin was spread across her face. And then, her eyes widen and her grin disappeared. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused why her expression was like that until I felt a sharp pain go through my stomach. I hunched forward as a sword was taken out of my body and fell to the ground screaming in pain.
"Pan!" Tiger Lily screamed at the top of her lungs. My vision got blurry, from what I could see, Tiger Lily did a flip off the railing onto the lower level and came running towards me. She kneels down and puts her hand on my cheek.
"Pan, stay with me. You can do it," Tiger Lily assured. I felt the blood soak my clothing and my eyes wanted to close. I tried taking deep breaths, but they turned into wheezes. My eyelids felt heavy, persuading me to close them so that my pain would disappear. I tried fighting the want to close them, however, fighting that urge made my eyelids feel even more heavy.

And then I gave up, making my vision go black.

A/N: well that was fun!

I probably won't update until tomorrow.....Maybe

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