Chapter 9

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I would like to say, for those who read my other fan fic Abandoned, I will continue it! But I would really appreciate some feedback for this fan fic, Tiger Lily!! Okay, enough with my ranting and let's start with:

Tiger Lily's Pov

I pulled away with a huge grin stuck on my face. "Wow! That was amazing!"
Sebastian quickly put his pointer finger to my lips, "hush, you musn't disturb the fairies."
I take a deep breath before speaking again, "fairies?"
Sebastian smiles, "well, they prefer to be called pixies." He takes my hand and starts to pull me, "c'mon I'll show you their tree."
We walked into the forest, the sun was getting closer and closer to setting. As we were walking, I could see little dots of lights buzzing around us, well, around Sebastian. In fact, they only stayed near Sebastian and not me, making twinkling noises as they flew around.
"Hello, this is my friend, Tiger Lily. She's very nice. Don't be shy, say hello," Sebastian spoke to the pixies. The pixies twinkled some more before flying to me. They were like tiny humans with wings, just as I had imagined as a child.
"Hello," I smiled as a pixie landed on the palm of my hand. The pixie had blonde hair tied up in a perfect bun, a green dress that looked like it was made out of a leaf, and green slippers with a little, white ball at the tips of the slippers. I turn my head to Sebastian, "do you know her name?"
He chuckles, "of course! Her name is Tinkerbell. She is Pan's pixie, she does anything for him for an example, spying. But she doesn't tell Pan I sneak off at night over here because she and the other fairies enjoy my company."
I gaze at Tinkerbell and decide to show her that I'm friendly by saying, "you are very beautiful."
Tinkerbell made a twinkling noise, like the sound of a little bell and flew around me.
"What did she say?" I ask Sebastian, hoping he understood the pixie language.
He smiles, "she said that you're very nice and beautiful as well. I couldn't agree more." He leaned in and kissed my cheek. I blush with a smile. Tinkerbell lands back on to my palm and does a little curtsy. I giggle and curtsy back.
"C'mon Tiger Lily, we need to keep going," Sebastian urged. He takes my hand and pulls me again. Tinkerbell flew off my palm and into into the forest to continue whatever she had been doing. I followed Sebastian to a huge tree where pixies swarmed around it like a bunch of fireflies. I smiled at the beauty of the tree as it seemed to glow with gold.
"This, is Pixie Hollow," Sebastian presented. He walks to the tree and starts to climb it. "Come, the view is much better at the top."
I shake my head, "won't you disturb the pixies?"
Sebastian chuckles, "no they don't mind."
I nod my head and started climbing, being careful not to step on any pixies on my way up. Tinkerbell flew in front of me and then up to follow Sebastian. I smiled and climbed faster.
Sebastian led me to an open part of the tree where the leaves cleared so you could see the beautiful sun slowly beginning to set. I sat next to him on a sturdy branch and laid my head against his shoulder. He wraps his arm around me pulling me closer. Tinkerbell sat on a smaller branch nearby. The sky was a layered with a pale blue, yellow, and then a light orange. The color beautifully blended in just like the colors of a rainbow.
"Wow," I breathed. My eyes were wide as I watched the sun get closer and closer to the earth.
Sebastian smiles, "yeah it's beautiful. It's too bad you have to go in a few minutes, because I was hoping you could watch the best part with me."
I look at him, "watch what?"
He continues to stare at the sky, a big smile still spread across his face, "the Spirit Moon. It's a beautiful moon that glows blue, and it makes the stars a faint blue as well. It's a very pretty view to see."
I take his hand a gent squeeze it, "that sounds lovely. I'll watch it from the ship."
He squeezes my hand back and then sighs, "Tiger Lily, I need to tell you something. If you think that we should be in love, then you're wrong."
I let go of his hand and furrow my eyebrows, "why not?"
He sighs again, "I'm not supposed to fall in love. Pan forbids it. Besides, I don't remember how to love a girl."
I put my hand on his cheek, "it doesn't matter what Pan says."
He shakes his head, "Tiger Lily. I know that I'll do something wrong and hurt your feelings or something. I would rather have us stay friends. Friendships seem to last longer than relationships and I don't want to be in a relationship with you only to mess up and never be friends ever again. Do you get what I'm trying to say?"
I slowly nod my head, "yes. I understand."

That was going to be the last time I'll kiss him.
Sebastian takes my hand, "good. As long as we're friends, I'm happy." He kisses my cheek and pulls me closer again. I smile and gaze at the sky that was getting more orange.
"So what do you boys do during the Spirit Moon?" I asked, changing the subject.
He lightly laughs, "oh we are all in a good mood during Spirit Moons. I guess that's why it's called the Spirit Moon. Anyway, the boys and I party around a campfire and watch the moon for hours and try to find constellations, maybe even tell stories. The only odd thing is Pan."
I look at him with a confused expression, "what about Pan?"
He laughs, "every Spirit Moon, he's always inside his tent and he'll stay there until the next morning. It's really odd but no one dares to question Pan about it."
I furrow my eyebrows, "that is odd.... How often is the Spirit Moon?"
He continues looking at the sky but answers my question, "it's pretty often. I would say about every two months. It's amazing."
I laugh, "so Pan stays in his tent for a while then."
Sebastian laughs as well, "yeah he does. He'll come out sometimes, but not for long."
Another puzzle piece of Peter Pan was connected with the rest, however, I needed a lot more pieces until it is complete. The sun was starting to set, the sky turning a light purple.
"I have to go, maybe we can fly another time," I said as I started to climb down.
"No wait! We can get there much faster by flying," Sebastian assured.
I smiled and climbed back up.
"Tink, light us up," Sebastian told Tinkerbell. She nodded her head and flew around us, sprinkling green dust around us. "Now think a happy thought."   
I close my eyes and think of seeing my mother again. Her smile, laughter, and beauty. Being in her arms. It was all I wanted. Suddenly, I felt my feet lift from the branch. I open my eyes to see I was floating in the air. Sebastian smiled and took my hand.
"let's go," Sebastian spoke. I giggled and lifted higher into the air.
"You can let go, Sebastian," I mentioned. He lets go with a grin. I flew higher, doing flips in the air. The breeze was cool with delight, not too cold to give me goosebumps.
We flew towards the beach, the green dust surrounding us all over. I landed on the soft, white sand, a big grin stuck on my face. Sebastian landed in front of me, also with a grin. He takes out the pouch of pixie dust and hands it to me.
"Here, fly over here every Spirit Moon so we can watch it together."
I hug him, "I definetly will." I pull away from the hug and push a row boat into the water. Then I hop in and row my way back to the ship. Sebastian waved farewell at me until I got to the ship. Once I got on the ship, Sebastian had gone. I smile and make my way to my little room down below deck.

A/N: again, I would like some feedback please. Possibly answer a few questions:)
What do you think about Sebastian and Tiger Lily?
What do you think will happen to Pan?
Why do you think Pan stays in his tent during Spirit Moons?

Sorry if I made editing mistakes :/

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