Chapter 20

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Tiger Lily's Pov

"Wendy, I don't know what I'd do without him. Please help me," I begged her. My eyes filling up with tears.

She squeezes her eyes shut and shakes her head, "It would be cheating to tell you how to save him. It's part of our prophecy, so I can tell your prophecy instead."

Peter takes a sharp gasp and grabs my hand, squeezing it as hard as a poisoned boy could, clenching his teeth and then yelping in pain. More beads of sweat trickled down his face while the Dreamshade snaked it's way in his veins.

"Tell me the prophecy! Quickly!" I shouted, my eyes wide.

Wendy opens her brown eyes and takes a deep breath in and out, "to save the one you love, you must pass between life and death. A forgotten person shall await you before the last and final breath."

I furrows my brows, "that doesn't make any sense! How can I possibly pass between life and death?!"

Wendy smiles as if she was listening to her favorite song, "think about it. Peter and I both passed through life and death. You know I had passed through, however, I don't think that way is very efficient but-

"Souls. Your soul was put into the tree. Peter's soul was put into Neverland when he died.... But how?" I interrupted.

"Peter never actually died. He was about to until the shadow came and told him that he could spare his life as long as he lived on Neverland forever," Wendy answered.

"So you're saying that if I put my soul into something then I will be able to pass through life and death?"

She lightly laughs, "Tiger Lily, when you touched that dagger, your soul immediately went into that blue gem. What's special about that gem is that it can not be harmed by anything. It can also give you a passage to someone who is dead."

I take out the dagger, a brilliant blue glowed at my touch. I closed my eyes and tried to think of someone that I had forgotten recently that had passed away.

It couldn't be Sebastian.

Not Peter.... At least not yet.


That's who I had forgotten. The thought of my mother filled my head. The sound of Peter's wheezing suddenly stopped. I open my eyes to see that I was back home in the forest. The forest where I would talk to my mother. I look around, scanning the forest until I saw a blue silhouette of a figure. I stepped closer for a better view and gasped.

It was my mother.

"Mom?" I whispered, for my voice had failed to escape my lips.

Mother smiles her contagious smile and opens her arms. I run up to her and hug her tightly, tears running down my face.

"I've missed you so much," I cried. She pets my hair and kisses the top of my head.

"I've missed you too, darling," she cooed. "But you have a job to finish. Your true love to save."

In her arms, I felt like giving up. I wanted to be with her, talk to her and tell her the amazing things I've seen and done. In her arms, I felt happiness. However, I pull away and nod my head, wiping my tears with the back of my hand.

"I want to save him but... I don't know how," I sighed, looking down.

She laughs, "since when do you not know how to do things? Tiger Lily, your special talent is more powerful than you think. You are what Hades calls, spirit seekers. They are born very rarely but they have such a power that can kill yet heal. You released that power into you when you took hold of that dagger."

"You know about that? Have you been watching me?" I questioned with wide eyes.

She smiles, "I have been guiding you. Did I not tell you that I will always be there for you?"

I blush, "you did."

"Yes. Now, you must hurry. Peter is close to his final breath," she urged.

"Okay, I'm ready," I nodded.

She pulls me into one last hug and kisses my forehead, "I love you."

I was back onto Hook's ship. Peter's wheezes were much more louder and heavier than before.

"Finally," Wendy teased, "now do you understand?"

I nod my head and was about to tease back until Peter's wheezing came to a stop. I glanced at Wendy with a wave of terror flooding my face. I whipped my head to Peter and caress his cheek with my hand.

"Is-is he... Dead? Am I too late?"

Wendy looks down, a frown upon her face.

Tears started to fall once again. Guilt clutched my heart and lungs making it hard for me to breathe.

"I'm sorry, Peter. I'm sorry I couldn't save you." I lean down and kiss his cold lips, tears dripping off of my face and onto his. "I love you."

A/N: The end.



Tiger Lily- A Peter Pan Fan Fiction- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now