Chapter 4

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Tiger Lily's Pov

I layed there helplessly. My hand ached from Peter Pan's grip, his nails made me bleed terribly. However, I felt like it wasn't just the nails that dug into my hand, but some sort of magic. I would have to get some herbs to disinfect the marks. I couldn't understand why Peter Pan was so heartless. His soul was nothing but darkness, you could see it deep into his eyes. He didn't feel guilty for me one bit. Not even half a second or when I screamed in pain. His heart, if even has one, is rotten to the core. ((I'M NOT COPYING DESCENDANTS, I PROMISE))


   "Need a hand?" A voice spoke. I lift my head up to see a boy. He had black hair, pale skin (not as pale as Peter Pan), and ocean blue eyes. I nod my head and sat up. He kneels down and pulls out some herbs from his pocket.

"Why are you helping me? You could get in big trouble," I whispered. The boy puts the herbs on the marks where Peter Pan dug his nails into my skin. I winced when the plant touched me.

The boy smirks, "don't worry it will sting for a couple minutes and then go away."

I smile, "I'm Tiger Lily."

The boy looks up from my hand, "yes, I know, Princess Tiger Lily. I'm Sebastian."

His hand goes back in his pocket and he pulls out a piece of cloth. He wraps it around the marks on my hand and ties it tightly.

"That should keep it from getting infected. The cuts will disappear by morning," Sebastian assured. He holds out his hand to which I take and he helps me stand up.

"Are you sure Peter Pan won't get mad at you for helping me?" I ask him.

He nods his head, "well yeah, but he can't punish me for long, I'm the only one who knows how to properly cook meals."

I laugh at the words he said. It sounded like an excuse, yet it might be true. I started yawning, I had forgotten how late it was.

"Tired?" A voice asked. However it wasn't Sebastian's voice. This voice was far more thick with an alluring accent. I whip my head towards the voice. Leaning against a tree was Peter Pan. I glanced at Sebastian who was trembling, yet his face expression seemed confident. "Sebastian, what did you do? And did I tell you to do it?" Peter Pan walks away from the tree and closer to us.

Sebastian started to hesitate. His lips trembled as he spoke, "I-I.... Um..... I-"

"He helped me which is better than what you can do besides being heartless and a selfish demon," I interrupted. Peter Pan walks towards me. His eyes glared at me, the green poison ready to turn into fire. He grabbed my shoulders, tightening his grip. I took a deep breath before saying more. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. You're anger might kill me. And if you kill me, well, your precious game will be over."

His nostrils flared at those words. His hands shook, his eyebrows furrowed, and he hesitated. He pushed me away from him and scoffed, walking away.

"Sebastian, go to bed. Tiger Lily, follow me," Peter Pan demanded. Sebastian gave me a quick smile before jogging to his tent. I sighed before following Peter Pan to wherever he was taking me.

"What did Sebastian do to you?" Demanded the demon. His walking slowed down.

I shrugged my shoulders, "nothing really, just tended to my wounds so I wouldn't get an infection."

The green eyed boy stops walking, "we're here." He opens the flap to a tent and walks in. I follow.

Inside was bigger than I thought. There was a bed with a couple of blankets placed on top, a nightstand was right next to the bed with a lit candle, an old brown chest was at the foot of the bed, a wooden shelf filled with books sat at a corner of the tent, and a wooden dresser with little objects on top, was across from the chest.

"This is your tent, isn't it?" I guessed. He looks at me and nods his head. The boy walks to the bed and sits down, leaning over to untie his boots.

"So why exactly am I in here?" I raise an eyebrow. He stops untying his boot and turns his head towards me.

"Would you rather sleep outside, princess?"

I shake my head. He takes off his boots and lies on the bed, pulling the blankets to his chest. I sit on the floor and sigh.

"Why aren't you over here?" He asks from the bed. I stand up and shrug my shoulders. He rolls his eyes, "I have room, your lucky I'm being generous to provide you a bed."

I violently roll my eyes and lay in the bed. I felt a cold hand push me near the edge.

"Stay over there, I need my space," Peter Pan demanded.

I sigh, "okay, Peter Pan." I turn to my side, my back facing him.

"Stop calling me Peter Pan. Just call me Pan," he snapped.

I sigh again, "Okay, Pan."


I woke up with a big smile. I always like to wake up early and hear the birds' morning song. I turn my body to face Pan. He was sleeping so peacefully, it was if nothing could ever disturb him. His eyes fluttered a little and his breaths were slow and even. In other words, he looked like a sleeping angel. Something you would want to hold onto and never let go, only because you admire it so much and it makes you feel comfortable. However, one question rang in my head: how can someone be so evil, yet look so light and pure hearted? Peter Pan is a puzzle. A puzzle that I want to solve.

A/N: So that was chapter 4 of Tiger Lily! I think next chapter will definitely be way more interesting than this one:)
So what do you think about Sebastian? I think he's adorable awwwww even though Tiger Lily just met him. How do you think Pan feels about Tiger Lily? You'll find out soon!!!!!
Alrighty, so I am going to tell you a little about myself (WARNING! THERE MAY BE SPOILERS!!!!!!):
I am 13 years old and I live in Ohio, USA. I love Robbie Kay and my favorite role he played was Peter Pan. I feel like I can get into the character more (thanks to Robbie's terrific acting) than the other ouat characters. That might just be me but oh well. I came up with the idea Tiger Lily when I watched the original Peter Pan and the ouat Peter Pan and noticed that Tiger Lily was not involved. So instead of having the main character as your typical, lonely, weak, Lost Girl. I changed it up to a strong, warrior, leader, princess sort of girl. As for Peter Pan, he isn't so fazed about love (neither is Tiger Lily). He is literally blinded by the darkness (but of course that doesn't mean they won't fall in love..... Maybe). Also, his past is going to be a bit different from what you expect!!!!
Anyway, more about me, I love hiking. I just love seeing the sceneries in new places and stuff. That's where I get most of my scenery ideas believe it or not. I also love the beach. The ocean is just amazing (screw sharks, jellyfish, and crabs, I'm going swimming). I especially love the sunrises and sunsets over the ocean. The sports I play are: swim team, dance, water polo, and piano (I looked it up, it is a sport. It's just not as competitive).
Okay! So I'll stop right there! I may or may not update later hehehehehehehehehehehe

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