Chapter 7

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Tiger Lily's Pov

Pan's eyes closed, the color was slowly draining out of him, you could easily say that he was dead. However, he would take heavy wheezes, trying to hold on to life as much as possible. I looked at the boys who all had wide eyes as they saw their leader slowly dying. I turn my head from the boys to Neverland, noticing that the trees looked more brown than green.
"Well boys! Looks like Peter Pan is going to die!" Hook cheered.
I stand up and glare at Hook, "take the boys and Pan back to the island. Pan needs to be at the island."
Hook laughed, "why would I do that?"
I walk closer to Hook, "because I have a deal. The deal is you let the boys and Pan go back to the island, and I will stay here and be a member of your crew."
Hook grinned, his eyes shining with greed, "deal. Welcome to the Jolly Roger, love."
I faked a smile and walked over to Felix to untie him. Felix hobbled his way back over to the group of lost Boys.
"Smee! lower down two boats for the boys!" Hook demanded. Smee, who had been hiding behind barrels, quickly made his way to lower the boats. He was a short man that wore a dirty, red hat on his head. Smee untied one of the boats and sent it down to the water. A group of the boys went down a ladder and onto the boat. Felix, Sebastian, and Tommy, carefully picked up Pan who weakly groaned as he was placed on the boat that wasn't in the water yet. Sebastian carefully lowered the boat into the water and waited for Felix and Tommy to climb in. Sebastian turned towards me and gave me a quick smile before climbing down and into the boat.


I watched the boys as they lifted Pan out of the boat. I was hoping that Pan didn't die on the way there. The image of Pan looking so lifeless wouldn't get out of my head. Not only did he look lifeless but scared out of his mind. It was a completely different expression from him. One that I've never seen before.
"If you are going to be part of my crew, then you must wear something more appropriate, love," Hook spoke. I turn around to face him and sighed. In his hand were a stack of clothing. I walk over to Hook and take the clothing. "You can change in my room, love."
I managed a smile before going into his room to change. The clothes he gave me were for a woman. There must have been one here before. I quickly put the outfit on and looked in the mirror. There was a fancy blood red and black top that had white, short sleeves came to the side of my shoulders and puffed out. Black leather leggings were tight against my legs and black boots that tied up to my knees came with it. Lastly, a blood red skirt was on top of my leggings, went halfway down to my knees and then at the back of the skirt, it went all the way down to my ankles. I took out my braids, letting my black hair flow out in beautiful curls.
A knock sounded from the door, "may I come in, love?" It was Hook.
"You may," I answered. The door quickly opened, and hook walked in, shutting the door behind him. In his hand was a blood red hat. He handed the hat to me, "here. This is for you as well."
I fake another smile, "Thank you. But, I want to know where you got this outfit?"
Hook sighs, "It was Milah's. The love of my life. She was killed by a heartless man. I call him the crocodile. He's the reason why I have a hook for a hand."
I put on the hat, realizing that Hook was heartbroken. "I'm sorry about Milah. However, there's one thing I still don't understand. Why do you and Pan hate each other?"
Hook chuckled, "Peter Pan, that bloody demon. No one can leave this bloody island without his bloody permission. I want to leave and get my revenge on the crocodile, but the bloody demon won't let me. He wants me to stay so he can play his bloody games. So I fight back and steal his boys, his food, his weapons, burn his camp down. I try to torture him, hoping that will make him decide to let me go. But he fights back and gets angry."
The only word I managed to say was, "oh."
He shakes his head and smirks, "now that I have you, I feel much better."

Peter Pan's Pov

I woke up back in my tent with Felix and Sebastian hovering over me. I immediatley felt pain sneak it's way back to me as I felt more awake. I winced at the pain and put my hand on my stomach.
"W-What happened?" I groggily asked. Suddenly, I felt my throat tense and my breath quickened. I covered my mouth, feeling like I was about to vomit.
Noticing, Felix grabs a bucket and holds it in front of me just in time for me to retch into it. I winced again as a fire like pain appeared in my stomach.
"Pan, we are so glad that you are alive," Felix spoke. He put a cup of water to my lips but I push it away.
"Don't, I don't need help," I snapped. Felix hands me the cup of water and shrugs his shoulders. I shakily take the cup, the water sloshing inside. I slowly put it to my lips, only for it to pour onto my bare chest. Felix grabbed the cup from my hands and set it down as I yelped when the water reached the area where I got stabbed in the stomach.
"Felix, Sebastian, what happened?" I repeated. The two boys glanced at each other and then back at me.
"Tiger Lily saved you. She made a deal with Hook saying that she would stay with him in return for your life," Sebastian answered.
"Sh-she did?" I stuttered. My breath quickened once again, making me almost gag. Felix lifts the bucket to me again and waited for me to throw up into it. My throat stung with fire, it was the most terrible pain I had ever felt. Sebastian puts more herbs on the injury, to which made me gag and vomit once again.
"Geez Pan, you don't look good at all. I thought the water of Neverland would fix you up right away but you were so weak that Neverland was nearly dead too," Felix said, shaking his head.
I sigh, "I know. But I have to get Tiger Lily back. She is mine I had her first, not Hook." I try to sit up but fall back down when my arms gave up.
"Woah Pan! You're still weak!" Felix mentioned.
Sebastian quickly put a liquid into my mouth. My lips puckered, "what was that?'
"Something that will keep you from throwing up. It will also make you fall asleep," Sebastian grinned.
"What? No..." I started to say, however, my eyelids closed, and I instantly fell asleep.

A/N: OOMMMGGGGGG sorry if I made any editing mistakes....

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