Chapter 16

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Tiger Lily's Pov

I walked to Sebastian, who was tending to Tommy's wounds. He glanced at me and stood up, running to me with open arms. He hugs me tightly, rubbing the back of my head. Sebastian pulled away with a smile. His smile was warm and gentle.

"Do you want to go to the beach and talk and stuff like that?" He asked, his cheeks turning a bright pink.

I turn my head to Peter's tent. I should be waiting for Peter and probably be helping Felix with the cut on Peter's arm. But my mind was taking over my heart. My mind wanted to be with Sebastian and be in his warm arms. So I kindly nodded my head and followed him to the beach hand in hand.


"Tiger Lily, can I tell you something?" Sebastian questioned as we sat on the soft, white, sand.

"Anything," I smiled. Then I frowned as I saw his face. It was serious, yet, sad.

"Pan doesn't want us to talk about what happened, but I feel like you have the right to know. To prepare yourself for the future," he began. I nod my head for him to go on, "Long ago, there was a girl that Pan brought to Neverland. Her name was Wendy Darling. She and her two brothers came here. Wendy was a very loving girl, she was kind. Pan started having feelings for her, and then he became madly in love. He did everything for her and her brothers. Wendy really liked Neverland, especially her brothers.

They stayed for a pretty long time. Eventually, Wendy started to notice that she was slowly losing her memories of her mother and father. Her brothers had completely forgotten. She realized that Neverland was slowly poisoning her mind, that she almost forgot the feeling of love from her parents. So she went to Pan and told him that she needed to leave. That her parents are waiting for her. But Pan was still deeply in love with her and refused to let her leave. One night, Wendy decided to do the most terrible thing ever. Break Pan's heart. She loved him but she knew that Neverland wasn't for her or her brothers. Wendy went into Pan's tent and told Pan that she didn't love him. That he was a boy who can never be loved.

Out of anger, Pan killed her- of course not on purpose. His magic had killed her. He cried for a long time that night, however, before the sun rose, he killed Wendy's brothers in their sleep and put Wendy, John, and Michael's souls into three trees. One tree, grew pink flowers that contained Pixie Dust inside. That's Wendy. Pan goes to the trees and sits against Wendy's Tree. He calls it his Thinking Tree, and he goes there when he wants to be alone. Anyway ever since Wendy's death, he started being cruel and made love forbidden."

My mouth dropped at the story. I felt stupid to not realize that Peter was heartbroken.

"How do you know about this?" I asked.

He smirks, "do you remember when I said that the pixies like to spy on us? Well, Tinkerbell was there when it happened."

I slowly nod my head. Everything made sense now. Why Peter Pan was so stubborn, cruel, heartless. I stood up and started walking back into the forest.

"Where are you going?" Sebastian called.

"I'm going to talk to Pan," I replied.

I could hear Sebastian's footsteps get closer, "no! He'll kill me if he finds out that I told you!"

I grin, "I won't let it happen, especially when I have a dagger that can end his life."

He grins back and follows me back to camp.


"Pan?" I whispered as I entered into his tent. The boy was still peacefully sleeping. A bandage was wrapped around his arm where the cut was. I walked to the side of the bed and knelt down next to the sleeping angel. I leaned forward and gently kissed his cheek. Suddenly, the corners of his mouth seemed to curl into a little smile. A big grin was painted onto my face.

"Peter, wake up," I whispered into his ear. Immediatley, the boy's eyes flutter open, revealing the forest green eyes. "Hello sunshine," I smirk.

He sits up and rubs his eyes, "how long have I slept?"

I shrug, "not long. But it's late."

Peter yawns, "then why did you wake me up?"

I bit my lip, "I know about Wendy."

His face fell, "who told you about that?"

I sigh, "it doesn't matter who told me. Peter, I understand. You're heartbroken."

Peter scoffs, "am not! I don't need love."

"Yes you do! Peter, trust me," I put my hand on his cheek. "Do you know someone who loves you?"

He shakes his head.

I smile, "I do. I love you Peter Pan."

His cheeks turn red and his eyes seemed to get brighter than before. I take a few steps closer to him, our faces only inches apart.

"Peter, do you love me?" I whispered.

He doesn't answer. Peter leans closer to me, his eyes closing as his lips collided into mine. My eyes closed as well. His lips were cold and mine were warm. The feeling of his against mine was pleasant and far more comforting than Sebastian's. Peter's lips were like a cool breeze on a very hot afternoon. Something that you were impatient for because it made you feel better. He places his hands on my shoulders, and when I opened my eyes, I saw Peter was hovering over the ground on his stomach.

"Stay on the ground," I lightly laughed.

Peter lands and pulls me into a hug. I smile, I had solved the puzzle of Peter Pan. I fixed the broken masterpiece and lit the candle inside his soul that consumed the darkness inside of him. Peter's heart has been mended into one once again.

A/N: this is NOT the end of the story. But this is the chapter you've all been waiting for, Peter and Tiger Lily's first actual kiss. It took 15 chapters (technically almost like two months) to figure out their love for each other omg. I got to 1,040 words, #finally

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