Chapter 17

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Tiger Lily's Pov

I slowly pulled out of the hug with a smile upon my face. Peter yawned and then a tiring smile was painted across his.

"Peter, I think you should get some sleep," I suggested with a yawn.

He nods his head and crawls into his bed, pulling off his boots and tossing them to the ground. I smile and start to make my way out of his tent.

"Wait. Can't you just stay here tonight? After all, you shouldn't be out there when strange creatures are lurking around," Peter called after me.

I stop and turn around with a sigh, "I guess you're right." I make my way to the other side of the bed and pull off my boots, gently placing them onto the ground. Then, I lay down and pull the blankets to my neck.

Suddenly, something wraps around my waist and pulls me back. I smile and snuggle into Peter's chest. Slowly, I fell asleep to the rhythm of his thudding heartbeat.


My eyes fluttered open as the sunshine seeped through the tent, making the room brighter. I try to sit up but Peter's arms are wrapped around me. I smile, he was finally happy and it made me want to smile snd jump around like a three-year old getting a new toy.

"Peter, rise and shine," I whispered into his ear. His eyes immediately opened, revealing the forest green that enchants me every day. He pulls his arms away from me and stretches, sits up, and then leans forward to grab his boots. I sit up with a smile plastered on my face. I put on my boots and walk out of the tent. The morning air was chilly except for the splotches of sun the peeked out from the trees. Taking a deep breath of the air, I noticed how fresh the air seemed to be. It was different from where I was before Neverland. Could it of been because of the magic on Neverland?

"It is so cold out here," Peter spoke, his arms crossed as he shivered. He makes his way to me and hugs me. Chills went down my spine from his touch making me shiver as well.

"I'm pretty sure you're colder," I smirked. "Peter, I have to go.... Go back to my camp."

He pulls out of the hug, "it's not safe. Hook will be looking for you and-

"Peter, I can look out for myself. Don't worry about me," I interrupted. Placing my pointer finger on his lips.

He nods his head and I put my finger down. Peter waves his hand making the special dagger appear. "You should take it. I'm powerless around it and if Hook has it then I won't be able to defend myself."

I slowly nod my head and take the dagger. The blue gem in the center of the handle glowed blue at my touch. I put the dagger into my sheath and hug Peter.

"Please keep it safe, Tiger Lily. Hook will be able to control you if he gets the dagger."

I nod my head and hug him tighter. "See you soon, Peter." I pull away from the hug and start walking into the forest.


As I was walking, the wind grew harsher and louder. The trees swayed quite harshly and the clouds seemed a little darker than before. I walked faster. For an odd reason, I felt like something or someone was watching me. I put my hand on my sword, getting ready for a fight.

That was until Hook and his ruthless men formed a circle around me before I could blink. I took out my sword, pointing at Hook, but the other pirates pointed their swords at me. Hook put on an amused grin as I dropped my sword.

"What do you want, Hook?" I growled.

The devious Pirate grins even wider, his eyes glinting with greed, "you." He picks up my sword and grins.

The Pirates behind me grabbed my arms, pulling me to the ground on knees. Hook steps forward, his eyes on the dagger in my sheath. I struggle to break free from the Pirates' grip. I had to run or do something, yet I couldn't. And I felt weak and small.

Tears threatened to fall as I screamed, "no! Don't kill him! Please! Don't kill him!"

Hook snatches the dagger, a smirk placed on his lips, "oh I'm not killing him.... You are."

My eyes grew wide as I weakly shook my head, "no...."

The two pirates hoist me up to my feet and tie a rope on my hands against my back, pushing me forward as Hook led the way back to Peter's camp. I tried not to cry as I was being harshly pushed around. I was thinking of scenarios where I could avoid hurting or even killing Peter, but nothing seemed possible. So I walked, silently crying inside.

We approached the camp in no time, to which I was hoping it would be longer. Peter was with the boys at the campfire, talking with smiles on their faces as each of them told stories. All their smiles faded when they saw us. Peter's especially. His eyes grew wide and his face grew paler and paler. Peter quickly tells the boys something which makes them run off into the forest. He stands up his hand on his dagger. He was not staring at Hook, but at me, his wide eyes saying, "what happened?"

I looked down, a tear rolling down my cheek.

Peter started running but was blocked off by pirates. His only option was to go in the dining tent, and he did. Hook grinned and motioned his hands for the Pirates to surround the tent. Then, he held up the dagger towards me, "follow me but don't try anything until I tell you to."

He starts walking and I as well by some kind of force. As we entered the tent, I saw Peter at the sturdy back wall of the dining tent, his body pressed against it as if he could blend in. His eyes were wider than ever as he darted his eyes between Hook and I. Tears started to form in his eyes.

"P-Please....P-Please don't k-kill me," Peter stuttered.

Hook laughed, "Tiger Lily, dip your sword in this poison, Dreamshade." He hands me my sword and pulls out a jar full of a dark liquid.

I take the sword and dip it in the poison, then wait for orders.

"Now, I want you to hurt him, but don't kill him," Hook commanded.

I took a tentative step forward, and then another, and another, until I got to Peter whose eyes looked like they would pop out of their sockets at any moment.

Tears started to fall from my eyes, "I'm sorry, Peter."

With that I slashed my sword at his stomach. He hunches forward and then slumps to the ground, groaning and wincing in pain. I take each of his hands and make a cut appear on his palms. He starts screaming in pain, blood mixing with the poison as the poison went in and the blood trickled into a pool underneath him.

I leaned down and kissed his forehead, "Peter, I love you."

A/N: I'm not okay......

What. Did. I. Just. Do.

Tiger Lily- A Peter Pan Fan Fiction- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now