Chapter 2

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Peter Pan's Pov

Neverland is mine. It is my home, and I claim every bit of it. The lush vegetation, the brown earth beneath my feet, the alluring creatures, and all the people that set foot here are all mine. After all, the island is part of me. It's what keeps me alive, keeps me so young, and I do anything to protect my dashing Neverland.


"Felix!" I shouted while getting ready to throw a dagger at a target. I pulled my arm back and squinted at the target, making sure I was aiming right for the center. Then I threw the blade towards it in a blink of an eye. I walked towards the target to see where I hit it. Bullseye.

"Felix!" I shouted, tapping my foot against the ground with my arms crossed.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Felix shouted back, running to my side. His shaggy, blonde hair swooped over his blue eyes and he was much more taller than me, making me have to look up at him to make eye contact. "what do you want, Pan?"

I stop tapping my foot and roll my eyes, "well first of all, I shouldn't have to yell for you twice, and second of all...." I close my mouth, my eyebrows furrowed, and I looked at the ground.

Felix furrows his eyebrows, "second of all what? Pan, what's wrong?"

I shake my head and swap my confused expression into a smirk, "someone's on the island.... No wait, there are lots of them."

Felix smirks as well, "what are you thinking?"

I pull the dagger out of the target, my devilish smirk was still plastered on my face, "I think it's time to play."

Tiger Lily's Pov

We walked, and walked, and walked. My feet started to ache and my legs burned. My heart pounded in my head, as our tribe would search for a good home.

"Have we found a place to settle camp in yet?" I asked my father. He doesn't answer my question, until...

"I found it! This is where we will live!" The chief announced, raising his arms up. The tribe smiled at the view. It was an open area with a small cliff that lead to the ocean. The sun was coming down quickly which meant the tribe would have to set up immediately before the stars peek out from the night sky.

I sat cross legged on the ground near the cliff, watching the sunset. The tribe was working on setting up the camp, some of the guards were setting up a campfire, bringing in giant logs and little rocks. The sunset was like a pastel painting, the colors beautifully blended in with purple, red, and orange. The birds chirped their night songs before they went back to their nests and trees. The crickets joined in with the magical tune of the birds' night song, along with the waves crashing against the cliff, the water almost splashing upon me. The sound of drums filled the air, matching the tune of the birds' song. I whipped my head back to see everyone dancing in a circle. I smiled and quickly stood up to walk to the fire, joining the dance. The sunset dance. We would dance until the sun went into its slumber, it is a tradition every night. I passed through dancing people and made my way towards the center, doing my own dance as usual. I danced quickly when the drums sped up, and slowly when the drums steadied the pace. Loud cheers came from the little children that also danced in the circle. The chief and elders, sat outside the circle, either watching the dance or staying by the fire nearby for warmth. Only I was allowed in the middle of the circle. It was how the celebration worked, and it has been that way for a very long time.


I had never seen my tribe so alive. The sunset had disappeared, however, the tribe kept dancing. I smiled as I saw big grins on each and every face. Everyone was finally happy, for that was all I wanted. Instead of watching the tribe, I continued dancing as well. Again, in the center. The drums were much more louder than the sunset dance, making the crickets chirp louder. Except, the crickets chirping stopped, leaving the drums and the crashing waves the only sounds. A strong breeze blew into the camp, giving me chills down my spine. The drummers stopped playing the beat and the dancers that I could see, stopped dancing. Their eyes were wide, and their mouths dropped. I felt the presence of someone behind me, giving me chills down my spine. In a blink of an eye, I grabbed my dagger that I always kept in my sheath and turned around, pointing the blade at the unfamiliar figure. Standing in front of me was a boy, about my age with light brown hair, pale skin, and enchanting emerald green eyes. However, his lips were placed in a devilish smirk.

"Who are you?" I questioned him, moving the blade closer to his neck. He wasn't very tall, probably a few inches taller than me. However, I was tall enough to glare right into his eyes.
The boy chuckles, a dark, mischievous chuckle, "the real question is, what are you doing on my island?"
The blade is now touching his neck, I had to resist the urge to slit his throat.
"I asked first," I growled at him. However, it was hard to be so rude to a handsome boy like him. But he didn't answer my question, he just kept his devious smirk. I pressed the dagger harder on his neck, hoping that will make him talk.

Noticing the pressure, he furrows his eyebrows, dropping his smirk into a frown and swallows hard.
''This is my home, you answer my question first," he demanded. His green eyes glared right into mine, piercing my heart like a dagger. His words were so soft yet dark, it was if he was putting me under a spell. I hesitated whether or not to give him an answer. He smirked at my reaction, trying to move back from the dagger, but I stepped closer.
"I don't care if this is your home because it is ours now too," I argued. The boy rolls his eyes, his smirk disappeared from his face and a frown appeared once again.
"I'm Peter Pan," he finally answered. I move the dagger away from his neck, making it only inches away just in case. "Now, answer my question. What are you doing here?" He added, taking a step closer to me. I glance at my father, who was standing there, his eyes wide. In fact, I looked at everyone who all seemed to be frozen except for me.
"I am Princess Tiger Lily, and this is my tribe. We came here for peace and freedom. We mean you no harm, Peter Pan," I confessed. I tightened my grip on the dagger a he stood there with a big smirk on his pale face.
"Princess? That means your father is the chief. Oh boy, this is going to get interesting," he chuckled. I pointed the dagger to his heart, the tip barely piercing his clothing.
"I will not do as you say if that's what you're hoping for," I spat at him. He glared even more at me, clearly not liking the words I said. He snapped his fingers, making my dagger disappear. Then, he grabbed my arms, pulling me away from my camp. I screamed for help as he dragged me. I started kicking him and pulled away from his grasp, running back to the camp. Although, I still wasn't safe, my people were still under some sort of spell, making them frozen in place. I felt something cold grab my arm. It was a pale hand. I looked up to see Peter Pan, his face still looked the same, a devious smirk. I strangled against him once again, only this time to have more pairs of hands grab me, pulling me away from my home. I started sobbing as I was being dragged away and into the dark and unknown forest.

A/N: so that was chapter two! Plz vote and/or comment! I would really like some feedback on this!!!!!
Sorry this chapter took sooooooo long :/

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