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Dear Bucky,

I'm sorry I didn't write back to you sooner. This past week has been... I can't even think of a word to describe it, which isn't quite a shock to me anymore because I haven't been able to talk to most people lately.

The serum was a success. Steve as strong and fast as ever. His new strength was the only good thing to come out of it though it seems.

I didn't know this at the time, but there was a spy for HYDRA there. He tried to steal the last of the serum, but Steve caught him. My father was killed in the crossfire though.

It's hard trying to process it all. He was my only remaining family, and I can't believe that he's gone. I thought it was hard enough losing my mom and siblings, and now my father... I'm at a loss for what to do.

But you were right about these letters; they do help me take my mind off of it for a little.

I'm still going out to London too. People have non-stop been telling me I don't have to, but I think I'd be crazy not to. Or I figure I would go crazy if I didn't. I can't be the type of person who sits and grieves; I have to do something about it at least. Plus, Steve is leaving soon to promote the war effort, (I have to admit I'm slightly upset he's being used as a showgirl) so I don't really have much left here in Brooklyn until the war is over.

And despite everything, I'm still excited to go, to see you. I hope it will bring in a bit of normalcy back into my life.

Sincerely Yours,

PS. I'll be there before you know it.
Aye aye her and Bucky are going to see each other again in the next chapter! I'm also really excited for this book, and I've decided to put TWS and CW into separate books which I am so pumped for.

My goal is to finish this one before summer ends, but we'll see lol.

And I can't thank you guys enough for the support so far on this. It means so much to me.

-Ashley [7/18/16]

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