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Dear Bucky,

I had a feeling that you would say recess was your favorite subject. Your were probably the boy kissing all of the girls and playing kickball or tag on the playground. (You can't deny it either; I'll ask Steve if you do.)

As for history, I like reading biographies about historical figures like the Founding Fathers, kings, queens, and emperors, those types of people. Ancient civilizations were also interesting to me. My favorite was Egypt because of the mummies. How the pyramids were built and their philosophies of mummification always got my attention.

Not much has happened since you've left. Steve and I still go to that little café regularly. We befriended a girl who works there; her name's Connie. She's beautiful, like movie star beautiful (and I'm not even extraverting in the least). She's outgoing and funny with much more interesting stories than me. Which makes me think that she should be the one of your attention, although I hope not. Mainly because I'm trying to match her with Steve and I like writing to you, Bucky.

And you were right about the classes. They started in late January, and it's already March. Graduation is in May, and I hope you can come too. (Don't worry, I will definitely save you a seat.)

Now for your questions...

I'd say my favorite color is green, especially the shade of leaves in the summer.

Favorite food would have to steak, but I also love the coffee and sandwiches at the cafe.

Hobbies? To be honest, school has completely obliterated my free time, but I love to read. When I was younger I would always write adventure stories too, although I don't know why I stopped.

As for dancing, you obviously haven't seen me walk for very long because I usually end up tripping over my own feet. So that's a no for dancing, but I would love to try it. It looks beautiful.

Music? New Orleans Jazz. It's a staple.

And my favorite memory would have to be the first day my father took me to his office. He's an experimental doctor, you see, and that was day I realized I wanted to do that to; become a scientist. I'd have to say that seeing all of those new technologies really impressed me and stayed in my mind.

Now it's my turn for questions.

Favorite color? Food? Music? Animal? Hobby?
And lastly, when are you coming home?


Thank you so much for all of the support on this book so far! I really appreciate it!

-Ashley [6/13/15]

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