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The sound of gunshots rang through the air, along with Gideon's laughter. It was a rare laugh that left her lips. It was one that sounded carefree and excited. In that moment, she didn't feel like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. [Given, that was before everything happened.]

The Howling Commandos were in a stretch of an interlude. A few days rested in between their departure to storm HYDRA's stations over the European front, and they were not wasting a single second of it. Most used the spare time to train and having just come from their imprisonment within the Nazi rogue science division, there was a surplus of vengeance running through each soldier.

And while they continued to train, Gideon learned and grew. Not only did she strengthen in her artillery skills, she also was able to expand her powers. To turn herself invisible was now second nature, yet she had moved on to turning other objects close to her as well.

Now her and Bucky stood in an open clearing close to their base. Nothing stood in front of them except an array of targets and a variety of rifles beside them. Standing next to her, Bucky picked up his favorite.

"Give this one a try," he handed it to her.

Taking it eagerly, she loaded and aimed it. Her finger pulled the trigger countless of times, emptying the barrel, and striking nearly every target placed on the line up.

"Damn, you've got a good eye," the man whistled.

"You've helped me a lot," she smiled, "although I'm sure I can now beat you in a fight."

"Oh really," he raised an amused eyebrow.

"Uh huh," she mused, turning to him slowly.

"I guess we'll have to see about that," he took and set the rifle in her hands aside before he wrapped her in his arms around her tightly and kissing the exposed skin on her neck.

Laughing at the tickling sensation, her smile grew as did the rate of her heart. "Alright," she breathed, "Maybe I'll let you win this time. Just this time though," she declared warmly after guiding his face back to hers.

"Maybe a couple more times too," he grinned before pressing his lips to hers, and that stopped all conversation. They found themselves becoming consumed with each other, not breaking apart until minutes had passed and neither could breathe. And in that moment, Steve appeared in the distance, walking up the pathway that led to the clearing they stood in.

"I'll be right back. I have to go talk to Steve for a moment, doll," he kissed her temple before handing her another rifle from their stash, "Try this one. I think you'll like it."

Shrugging, she took it and adjusted her aim as Bucky ventured towards Steve. Gideon fired at the designated targets, not missing a single one. He watched a small smile of accomplishment grow on her face and felt one form on his own as he looked back over his shoulder.

"She's learning fast," Steve noted once he followed the soldier's line of vision.

"She is," he agreed warmly. "Are we still heading out on Friday?"

"That's the plan," Steve nodded, sporting his Captain America attire. Bucky thought he had just come from another meeting; the numbers of them have been increasing as their departure date grew closer.

"Can I ask you to hold on to something for me," Bucky then asked, the envelope tucked away in his pocket seemed to grow heavier by the minute.

"Sure Buck. What is it?"

He reached inside the interior pocket of his jacket and took out the slightly crumpled and weighted envelop. Smoothing down the edges, he gave it without words, only a shy smile [which was rare for the always charismatic sergeant].

Steve read the doctor's name printed across the manilla paper and looked to his best friend, his eyes inquiring more, and Bucky continued.

"I want to give this to her when this is all over, but I was hoping you could keep it for me? Just incase anything happens."

"Of course," Steve nodded, yet as he continued to hold the envelope, he felt a piece of circular metal embedded in the paper. It was smooth and solid with a hallow middle, and it brought a smirk to the man's face. "She'll say yes," he assured.

"God I hope so," Bucky exhaled, his chest pounded at the very thought of it. Yet when he looked back up to see her waving at him, he felt nothing but utter love.

Thank you guys so much for all of your support with this book! I can't even begin to explain how much I appreciate it, and please keep it up! There are also a couple more surprises up ahead with Gideon and Bucky... 😉


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