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With her feet landing on European soil, Gideon found herself on the front of the line and in surgery from the moment she stepped off the plane. With heightened German technology, the men of the 107th found themselves in a world of despair as the enemies continued to advance faster and with stronger power. But none were willing to lay down without a fight, Gideon included.

She spent most of her waking hours working on the first day and for the multiple following weeks.

The war was ugly. Men died every minute, no matter the side, but Gideon wasn't going to let up. She fought tirelessly as did the men she worked with. Countless hours were spent performing trauma care for those severely wounded, administering the few pain medications they had in stock, and stitching open cuts.

She was, "The best damn doctor in the war," according to Colonel Phillips.

She saved dozens of lives, ones that would have been lost. Yet even after all of that time, she couldn't feel the pain from the loss of her father ever lessen.

Her chest ached when she breathed and the thought of her father dying at HYDRA's hands only fueled her anger, but she submerged herself in her work in attempt to suppress pain. The anger, however, was placed full fledged into winning the war.

It was undeniable though that she was excited to see Bucky, but it wasn't until later in the day of her arrival did she find him.

Mid-day, the last of the soldiers were returning from their latest mission, and Gideon and the other medics rushed to treat the injured. But once all were returned and treated, the brunette found a spare moment to have a well deserved cup of coffee from commissary. Stirring in the instant grounds, she slightly grimaced at the taste, yet she was grateful to have a taste of the dark liquid all the same.

The doctor found a seat in the empty dining area to sip her coffee, enjoying the quietness and allowing herself to become lost in her thoughts for a moment.

Her back turned, she didn't notice the approaching person behind her and was startled to a jump when a hand touched her shoulder. "Oh my God," the woman uttered, ignoring the spilled stains on the wood table.

A melodic laugh resonated through the air as did an apology, "Sorry Gideon."

"Bucky," the woman exclaimed, springing from the seat and not hesitating to wrap her arms around the soldier's neck. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, doll," he flashed her a smile, the crinkle showing near his cerulean blue eyes.

"I was trying to keep my eye out for you earlier, but then things got busy," she said, keeping her arms connected behind his neck. Watching him talk, she enjoyed running her fingers through his brown hair in their own little corner of the world. Out of sight from everyone, the soldier and the doctor found peace just within each other's company.

"I had just gotten back from the city," he replied, his hands staying at her waist. "You should come with me for the night. I found a place earlier that I think you would like."

With that wide smile on his face, she felt her knees weaken [a feeling she hadn't felt in ages] and desperately wanted to say yes. The weight of her father's death constantly laid on her shoulders, and she thought that spending time away with Bucky would lull it away for a moment.

But she couldn't ignore the shouts of her name from the barracks behind them.

"I'm afraid Sergeant Barnes," she said slowly, her voice soft as her hands moved so her fingers could trace short lines along his neck, "that I have some work to do first."

"Tonight then," the soldier persisted. His hand met her's at the base of his neck, holding them with his own, as the damning smile still hung on his face.

"Tonight," she nodded, mirroring his grin.

"Sounds like a plan," he cheered, "I'll find you."

And for the brief second the two had, Gideon tried to take in the complete image of him before he pulled her into a kiss. It was brief and soft yet much more deeper than the short one they shared so many nights ago. It left her completely breathless.

"God, I've missed that too," the blue eyed man laughed.

"I'll see you tonight Bucky," the flustered woman managed.

Still in a humored awe of her expression, Bucky aired, "Go save some lives, Gideon. I'll be here when you get back."


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