chapter nineteen// first journey

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Ritika's POV

Surprise. This word was one kind of nightmare for me. And here my own friends were doing this. So I narrowed my eyes at them. "I am not going anywhere with you. I need a sleep. Nothing now."

I wanted lie down but they interrupted. "Don't you dare, Ritika?"

"Then tell me where are we going. I don't like surprises." I pouted but they were so cruel, even it didn't work. "I'm not going anywhere." I declared finally.

"We can't tell you. Abeeg tell her something." Bloody hell Somu. Why she was interrupting Abeeg between it. I looked at him and shook my head before he could say anything.

"It is my idea." He said smilingly.

I wanted to say no. But why couldn't I say it. I opened my mouth and shut again. He sighed and looked at my friends, "Guys, can you please go outside. I have some talk."

Neil and Somapti nodded and left the room. But Shan little hesitated. He looked at me then Abeeg, they were exchanging some weird look. That I couldn't understand. What the hell was happening. Finally he left the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Don't worry, he is just bit more careful about you." I shocked, looking at him.

"Really? And don't you think it should be my line" he just shrugged in reply. And by this it became silent.

"What is the problem in going, Ritika?"

"You know,"

"No I don't. Care to explain.?"

I took a deep breath. "I told you I don't want to be treat different. I want to live normally. Like any other girl. I don't want to get sympathy from everyone. I want to live here with everyone, Abbu, Shan, all of my friend. And with you." I whispered the last line. And he smiled.

"And that is happening too. I'm here, your friends are here. Just not this place. Somewhere else. Trust me, you will like it."


"He knows. Just busy for some days. But don't worry, he will join us in a few days. So come na, Please, pretty please. " I laughed at his face. He looked adorable.

"Okay" I mumbled, defeated. But the way his face lightened up, worth it. I could go anywhere just for this.

"Okay, be ready quickly. Do you need any help? You know, I can do." He smirked, standing up from my bed. I just glared in return.

"No need, but if you can get out from my room, it will be an honor." He grinned shaking his head. He left the room but not before saying. "Be quickly, Shan said you take time forever to be ready."

What the hell!? I opened my mouth in shock, but before I could say anything he was gone. Bloody hell Shan. How could he say it? Wait they even had a conversation? When?? I jumped up from my bed, there was so much going in their little minds. Have to know. I was only in home as uni was closed for summer vacation. And only Allah knew what was fishing in them.

Please note it. I was perfectly, fully ready within 15 minutes. Who the hell said that girls take forever? That Shan took more time than it even only for his Shaving. Talking about them, when I came out from the building, all were pacing hurriedly, were carrying different baskets and bags. Were we going for any war? so much arrangement!? There was two vehicle. One was that famous Neil's Porsche. And another a huge jeep. Didn't know where from they arrange it.

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