Chapter 18

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"Dan, get up! Daaaan!" Phil jumped up and down on the bed. I swatted at him and pulled the duvet over my head. "Please Dan. I want to make cupcakes," Phil sat down on the bed. I groaned, "Go make your cupcakes and let me sleep." I listened as I heard Phil leave the room and pulled the duvet back off my head only to see Phil run through the doorway and jump on top of me. "Why are you so energetic today?" Phil rested his head on my chest, "It's our anniversary of dating tomorrow and I want to make you cupcakes." My eyes widened, I can't believe I forgot about that. I wrapped my arms around Phil and sat up with him, "Let's go make the stupid cupcakes." Phil's expression brightened and he jumped off the bed, "Yay! They're going to be so good!" I rolled my eyes and put on some clothes before following him into the kitchen. "Your hair looks nice, Dan," Phil teased as he got out a bowl. I reached my hand up to feel my hair and groaned when it felt curly. I turned to go straighten it, but Phil stopped me, "Com on Dan. No one else it here." I sighed, "Fine, fine. I won't straighten it." I muttered a 'yet' and earned a mean glare from Phil.

Phil had me watch as he baked chocolate chip cupcakes. We accidentally made more than needed so we ate the extra ones for breakfast. "These are actually really good!" Phil perked up. I nodded, "My compliments to the chef." Phil smirked at me. I immediately remembered I needed to go out and get Phil a gift before it's too late. I took out my phone and asked Louise to meet me outside the flat in thirty minutes. She quickly agreed with no questions asked. I assumed she already knew why. Phil tilted his head and looked at me funny. I kissed his forehead and went to the bathroom to straighten my hair. I guess it took me thirty minutes to do so as Louise texted me that she was downstairs. I stuffed my feet in my shoes and put on my black leather jacket. I reached for the door, but got stopped by Phil, "Where are you going, love?" "Out. I'll be back in a little bit. I love you," I used as a coverup. Phil smiled, "I love you too. Text me." I nodded and headed out to meet Louise. She had a cab waiting for the two of us that we got into. Louise told the driver to go to the shops and turned to me, "Let me guess. You forgot your anniversary and need to get a gift last minute so you're bringing me to get one?" I nodded and tugged at the sleeves of my sweater. We heard the cab driver chuckle, "Are you two married or somethin?" Louise broke out in laughter which caused me to laugh too.

"He's so gay! He w- Oh god," Louise blurted out between laughter. The driver scrunched up his nose which made me laugh more. He pulled into the shops and basically kicked us out. Louise leaned on me to keep her balance while she tried to regain her calm. "Let's go in that silly anime shop you and Phil never got to go to," Louise exclaimed, pointing in the direction of the shop. I followed her into the store and looked at all the items. I ended up buying a giant stuffed lion toy thing that went up to my hip went sat on the floor as a joke present along with a small, but equally wonderful stuffed Pikachu since Phil has been obsessed with Pokemon lately. Louise helped me pick them out. I had no clue how I was going to keep these from Phil. Maybe I could shove them in the cabinet under the bathroom sink in his old bathroom, Phil never went in there anymore since there was hardly anything under there. She dropped me off at the flat, promising to go in first to distract Phil so I could sneak the gifts into the hiding spot. While I was shoving them in the cabinet, I heard a very loud squawking type laugh. Louise probably told Phil the cab story.

I came out and met them in the kitchen after I made sure the gifts wouldn't be seen, "Hey." Phil held out his arms and I walked over to him. He pulled me into a hug which I returned. "Now, I've got to go before Darcy's babysitter eats the house," Louise joked. We waved goodbye to her and walked her out of the flat. Phil kissed my cheek, "I've got to go and do a live show. Pop in later if you like?" I nodded, "Maybe. I need to film a video anyways." Phil squeezed my hand before he rushed off to his old room. I walked into our now shared room and set up all my filming stuff. I had no clue what I was going to film, but I had eight thousand emails for Internet Support Group questions so I guess I could do that. I set up everything, put on a white button up, and started filming. I made sure to have a cup of coffee and one of those tiny bottles of alcohol nearby as the questions usual got pretty weird. When I finished filming, I immediately changed into a dark grey sweater and some sweatpants and snuck into the room Phil was filming in. Phil smiled, "Guys look who it is! He can finally answer all your questions about us, Kelly." I tilted my head at him. "Kelly wants to know if I'm a good kisser and I told her to hold that thought until you came in," Phil explained. I pressed my lips against Phil's for a moment, then pulled away and looked at the camera, "To answer you Kelly, Phil is a wonderful kisser." Phil blushed and smirked. I ruffled his hair, "Now I've got to go get something to eat because I just filmed a horrendously long video that needs editing." I waved to everyone and kissed the top of Phil's head before walking towards the door. "Love you, bear," Phil called out. "Love you too," I called back before heading out to the kitchen.

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