Chapter 31

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It's been weeks since I visited Phil's father and said all of those things. Not once has he made an apperance near us. Phil had begun decorating for the holidays. Even though I played it off like I hated when he would do that, I secretly found it mesmerizing. I heard Phil talking to someone in the kitchen and I got off my dent in the couch. I made my way to the kitchen, gazing in to see who was with Phil. I sighed in relief when I saw him on the phone. "You want me to come visit you in Florida now? You've got to be kidding me," Phil growled at the person on the other end. I assumed it was one of his parents, seeing as he mentioned Florida. "No, no. You heard Dan." Phil started to turn towards the door so I quickly moved out of view. "Alright fine. A week tops, but I'll leave as soon as I feel it." Phil sighed. I frowned, another week without Phil. I assumed Phil was off the phone now so I cautiously stepped into the kitchen. "Oh, Dan. I have something to tell you," Phil looked up at me with those beautiful eyes of his. I could see fear hidden behind them. "You're visiting your parents in Florida," I blurted out. "You heard that, didn't you?" He asked. I nodded.

"You just stayed with them here!" I groaned. We had moved into the lounge now. "Dan I- I don't know. My dad said he wanted to apologize for everything. He said he had time to think when they flew back," Phil said, looking at his socks. I turned around, heading for our room, "I'm not stopping you." "You're not mad?" Phil asked, slight surprise in his voice. I had only made it halfway down the hall before I turned back towards him, "Of course I'm mad, but if you think you can resolve things, then go ahead. I'll be here waiting." "I'm sorry," Phil squeaked out. "For what? For being yourself?" I turned on my heel and continued to the bedroom. I fell back on the bed as Phil started packing. "You're leaving now?" I asked, not looking away from the ceiling. "He bought the tickets already," Phil explained. I stuck my hands behind my head. I felt the foot of the bed get weighted down. I guessed Phil put his suitcase on it. "You have those videos ready, right?" He asked me. "Yep," I blatantly answered. "Okay," Phil answered back.

He had left an hour ago, headed to the airport. A kiss, he planted on my cheek before muttering an 'I love you' and rushing out. I hadn't moved from my spot on the bed. My phone buzzed. but I ignored it. I eventually pushed myself out of the bed and towards the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and opened the fridge. I saw a thing of wine. One glass wouldn't hurt. I pulled out the bottle and poured myself a glass, sipping it ever so slowly. I missed the slightly strong taste of it. Soon enough, the glass was empty. Part of me was saying not to pour another one, but what did I have to lose. There wasn't much left in the bottle so, of course, a second glassful finished it off. I groaned and searched for something else. I could hear my phone ringing from the bedroom so I rushed to go answer it, not even bothering to check who called. "Hello?" "Dan! It's Felix. Marzia and I are going out with PJ tonight and we were wondering if you and Phil wanted to tag along," Felix explained. "Well Phil's gone for vacation, but I could still come," I said, almost out of breath. "Sounds great. We'll pick you up at seven?" Felix asked. "See you at seven," I said before hanging up.

It was six now so I quickly got ready. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and straightened my hair. I had on my black skinny jeans, my black eclipse shirt, and a leather jacket I slipped on. I pulled on some socks as well as my shoes and waited for the guys to come. I heard a knock on the door. I got up and opened it. I was greeted by a bunch of hugs. "Ready?" Marzia asked in her accent, a smile present on her lips. "As I'll ever be," I chuckled, snatching up the keys to the flat. "Letsa go!" Pj said in the most Mario voice he could. I rolled my eyes jokingly and followed them out to Pj's car. Felix and Marzia sat in the back and I sat in the passenger's seat as Pj drove. "So where are we off to?" I asked. "We thought we might stop for dinner and hit the beach for a bit," Pj answered. "Sounds nice," I smiled and gazed out the window. 

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