Chapter 27

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Phil and I were relaxing in our hotel room deciding what to do today since our first show starts tomorrow. "We could go sightseeing," I made the finger guns at Phil who just chuckled from his spot on the floor. "We literally went sightseeing yesterday." I laid back down on the floor, which happened to be the only cool place at the moment. Phil shot up and looked at me with a huge grin. "Oh no," I sighed and gave him a questioning look. "Let's go shopping!" "Seriously, though?" I sat up too and ran a hand through the curly mess of my hair. Phil nodded and stood up, helping me up as well. "I gotta put the thing on my foot before we go," I said as I started to walk over to my suitcase. I sat down on the floor next to it, picking through all my clothes to find the stupid wrap thingy I had to put on my ankle to keep it from hurting. When I found it, I slipped it onto my foot before putting on my shoes. Phil walked up behind me and tossed my backpack next to me. "I put some water in it so we don't suffer and hid our computers in my suitcase," he noted. I grabbed the bag one stood up. I stuffed a phone charger into it along with some earbuds and money before slinging it over my shoulder and meeting Phil at the door.

He was wearing a bright t-shirt and some skinny jeans while I was wearing a black shirt and black skinny jeans. "Dan you are literally going to melt," Phil rolled his eyes. "At least I won't look like a tomato," I sassed back. Phil's eyes shot open, "I forgot the sunscreen!" I gave him a funny look as he rushed off to the bathroom. He came back a couple minutes later smelling like sunscreen before tossing the bottle in my bag. He took the room key and held the door for me, shutting it behind him. Phil slipped his hand into mine as we got into the elevator. We got out of the elevator when it reached the lobby and walked out the main doors. We were immediately hit with the hot air of Australia. "Jeez it's hot," I blurted out. Phil took out his phone, probably to check the temperature, "It's eighteen point eight!" [A/N: That's actually 66 degrees in Fahrenheit.] "I'm going to melt here, Phil," I groaned. Phil squeezed my hand, "You better stick with me! I'll need someone to tend to me when I'm a tomato." I chuckled and squeezed his hand back. We made it to the mall in short time, thankful that it was air conditioned.

I convinced Phil to let us go to the Starbucks so I could get a cold drink. Phil got something cool to drink as well before we continued our mall journey. I bought a couple shirts and, just to spite Phil, a very amazing crocodile hat. Phil bought some shirts as well, along with a couple of odd candy and silly enough, a snow globe. We put all our stuff into my bag and took a walk outside. "Your hair looks nice," Phil piped up and ruffled my hair. I fixed it up a bit with my fingers, "It's literally a mess, Phil." "Shhh, I like it. Let me like it." I sighed and jokingly rolled my eyes. I heard a loud gasp coming from behind us. Phil and I immediately started smiling and turned around. A girl, who looked to be about a foot shorter than us with red hair and a black, Fall Out Boy tank-top came walking up to us with her phone out. "H-Hi! Gosh, I've been watching your videos forever now. I can't believe that I'm seeing you guys tomorrow and you're here now," she spoke with an Australian accent which was really entertaining. "Would you like a picture?" Phil asked her. She nodded excitedly and looked on the verge of tears. She handed her phone off to her, what looked like her mother, and stood in between Phil and I. There was a flash of light and picture taken. The girl got her phone back and turned to us, "Thank you guys for everything. Just- Congratulations on your enagement too."

The girl's mom called her off so Phil and I turned around and started to head out of the mall. "Hey since it's still daylight, can we stop by the place?" Phil looked up at me with a huge smile on his face. "We can get a cab and drive by. How's that?" I asked. He nodded and looked for a cab. Once he got one called in, we got in and told the driver to take us back to the hotel, but to take the longer route so we could see it. He agreed and started driving. Phil turned the window a little to quickly and hit his forehead on it. I chuckled, "Wow that window's really out to get you." He turned to me and gave me a pouty face. I just smirked at him and turned towards my window. We were just passing the theathre now, which was on my side. Phil leaned over, half laying on me to see. There were people camping out already, who were mostly half asleep because it was already really late. I smiled, but felt a bit bad. "Wait, wait. Can you let us out here?" I asked the driver. "Uh sure, but you still have to pay." I nodded and took out the right amount of money, handing it to the driver. Phil got out with me as the cab left behind us. I took some water bottle out of my bag, handing some to Phil. He knew what I was doing. I saw some faces of the fans light up, but I held my finger to my mouth telling them to be quiet.

I walked up to the first ones I saw who didn't have anything to drink and handed them water. "Thank you so much," they would say. I just smiled and gave them quick hugs. "I'll see you guys at the meet and greet right?" I pointed at a group of fans who just nodded and waved. We started to walk back to the hotel after that. "That was really sweet, Dan. How'd you think of it?" Phil leaned his head on my shoulder. "They didn't have water, but we had some we weren't drinking," I wrapped an around loosely around his wait, him doing the same. We eventually made it back to our room, Phil unlocking the door with our key. I kicked my shoes off and tossed the bag on the ground before yanking off the brace on my foot and tossing it by my shoes. "I'm going to take a quick shower, bear," Phil exclaimed. He kissed my cheek before walking into the bathroom. I took out my laptop and scrolled through Tumblr. Phil came out of the shower a while later. He had a towel around his waist and one he was drying his hair with. I eyed him from behind my computer as he bent down to dig through his clothes for some to sleep in.

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