Kellic• knock it off

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Originally from my general oneshot book

*Kellin's POV*

"You have to take PE!" my mother squawks, my father behind her, he is observing this whole ordeal like a hawk. "I'm not comfortable with it mom! I don't wanna change in the girls room!" I snap back and she rolls her eyes "you are still on this?" She scoffs and it feels like a blow to my head. "Yes mom! I am still on this and I will for the rest of my life. I don't wanna do PE!" I urge "well to bad because you are-" I go to interrupt her but she puts a finger up "I will not hear it! Your father and I have been plenty accepting of this trend you are partaking in and you should be grateful, show your thankfulness by taking PE and getting that scholarship you are destined for" I go to speak but she notices "end of discussion!"

I cowered in the corner of the boys room. I regret this! I should've sucked it up and changed in the girls locker room, but I didn't want to. I'm Kellin! Not... Y'know. I grabbed my bag and hurried to one of the stalls to only be stopped by the big bully himself. Most people knows to not call me by my dead name, does anyone respect that? "What do we have here! Kelly Quinn thinks she is a boy" He laughs, I stare at my feet, what do I do? "Does princess not want to look me in the eye?" He says, I can hear his grin. He grabs my bag and before I can grab from it from him it is across the locker room.

Boys are sorting through it.

They can't find it

"Look what we have here!" One of them calls out, pulling out my binder. "What's this?" Danny laughs and walks over to Oli (I love Oli i cri) who is holding my binder up for everyone to see. "Baby doesn't want tits, why not, they are great" Danny jokes and I scramble across the room and try to grab it from them. "Give it to me!" I squeak and they start passing it around.

I hate boys.
I hate locker rooms.
Teenagers are assholes.

"Give it back please" I urge, I'm scared that I'm gonna start crying from frustration and embarrassment. Then it happens. RRRRIIIIIPPPPP. They ripped it! My one and only binder! I choke back a sob "what the fuck is going on here?" I hear a loud voice yell, I can't be bothered to look up as I hear scurrying around. I finally look up and I see the ripped product. I can't help but cry. I grab it from Danny's hands and stare at it. "Monsters!" I screech and I hear them start laughing, I feel so wrecked now.

"Knock it off!" The voice says again, I look over and see the Vic Fuentes, soccer king of the school, loved by all, feared by all, even Danny. The laughter dies down "scatter!" Vic commands and everyone grabs their shit and leaves. I sit on the bench and stare down at the binder. This was the only thing that made me feel like me. Gone. Ripped by the hands of a dude who is 75% water and 25% ass. No wonder Ben broke up with him.

I feel someone sit next to me and I slide away. They slide closer, I slide farther, they slide closer, I slide farther, they slide closer I slide-

"oof!" I let out as I fall on my ass on the cold tile. I hear laughing from above me and I see Vic staring back at me. "I'm Vic, you are... Kelly-" "Kellin!" "you are Kellin, nice to meet you Kellin" Vic smiles and I smile back and he helps me up. "I'll pay for that" he says and I shake my head "no can do, I wouldn't be allowed to get another one if I tried" I sigh, it looks two years to convince my parents to get me this one. "How come?" He asks "parents" I say, giving him quick, emotionless anwsers. "I'll buy you one and deliver it to you in private" he tells me. I look up at him in disbelieve "you don't have to!" I inform him and he laughs "I know I don't have to, but I want to" he tells me, I blush and stare at the ground.

"I'm sorry about the asshole that is Danny Worsnop and Oli Sykes" Vic says after awhile, I shrug it off, "happens all the time" I say, brushing it off "what? Have you told anyone!" He says shocked, I roll my eyes "of course I have! They give a little talk to them and then send them off which only makes them more mad at me, it is easier and less painful to not say anything" I explain. He hugs me. "You don't deserve this, I'm gonna make sure that you don't have to deal with this anymore" he whispers and I can't help but laugh a little. "I'm serious" he says, staring dead into my eyes. I quickly nod and he smiles and takes my hand. "Let's blow this popsicle stand" he exclaims.

~A month later~

"Kellin!" I hear a voice, I look around and see no one in the empty hall. I continue walking until I'm pulled into a classroom. "What the-" I'm cut off by a kiss. Who? I pull away and see Vic, standing there in all his glory, smirking at me. I lean back in but he puts his hand up. "Present first!" He exclaims, I raise my eyebrows "here!" He tells me, I take his neatly wrapped box and start opening it up. I pull it open and pull out the tissue paper. There is a nice white binder. I smirk and look up at him "I thought you were joking" I say, a little speechless, "I never kid." He says in a somewhat serious somewhat silly tone. "Try it on!" He urges "in here?" I ask, "I'll turn my back, now go!" He says, turning around. I sigh and pull off my top, then my bra and then I put it on. I go to pull my shirt back on but I feel arms wrap around my waist. A few kisses land on my neck and I smirk. I turn around and grab onto the tanned man and kiss him. I pull back and put on the shirt, I feel around front and I grin. He pulls out his phone and takes a picture of me and then shows it to me. I smile and hug him. "Thank you so much!" I squeal.

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