Kellic• sugar

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*Kellin's POV*

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*Kellin's POV*

I rush back into my door and start changing. I'm due to meet Oli in half an hour but class went later than expected. I open up my closet door and walk into my closet, quickly going through all of my clothes. I quickly figure out my outfit and I rush into the bathroom.  I take a quick shower that was way too cold but I don't have time. I also have to meet up with Vic after, shit.

I change into my clothes after drying off, going back into my closet and picking a pair of boots and some other accessories. I walk out of my bedroom and into the living room to see non other than my boyfriend, Vic. "Vic, honey what are you doing here?" I ask quickly looking down at my phone, shit I gotta contact an uber. "Kellin, I think we need to talk" Vic says, "right now?" I ask, staring down at my watch "yes. We've been dating for 8 months and it feels like I don't know you. You are so secretive and... It's just really frustrating! I've spilled so much to you and I've gotten nothing from you" Vic explains. I give a sorry smile, it's always hard to explain my situation and I've lost boyfriends over it.

"I'm so sorry, and I really wanna talk about it but I've got this thing I need to go to and-" "what thing?" Vic interrupts "just some work party" I reply quickly "oh really, your boring office job that you don't like talking about is throwing a party and you are going?"  Vic asks. "Yeah, it's uh- important" I say sheepishly. "Stop lying to me Kellin! Why are you all dressed up for this supposed office party? I  thought you hated your job?" He asks. I look at my watch and sigh.

"Don't sigh! I've brought this up to you so much and nothing. Nothing lines up with you! First for some boring small office job you sure have a nice ass apartment and you never seem to be short of money on top of taking college classes, it's not like your family is rich and supporting you! And you randomly bail out on me all the time and it's confusing as fuck especially because you never explain yourself and I can't help but thinking you're cheating or something!" 

"I'm sorry, okay!, fine, sit down for this please" I ask, he gives a hesitant look and then sits down.  "It's hard to explain. It kind of starts from when I was first in college and I took some business class and they had this guy come in, owner of the SYKES building downtown, the head of Drop Dead! And he stops me after class and one thing leads to another and next thing you know he is my... Sugar daddy and-" "what!?!" Vic shouts, standing up.

"I know! But you don't understand, I was a struggling college student at the time who was barely surviving and wasn't about to go to their parents. It was the best option at the time. It's not like there is any feelings behind it, I suck his dick and he gives me money and then he takes me out for dinner and we catch up, he even has a husband who knows and is okay with it. I know it's highly fucked up but it's nice, I've never had such security in my life! I grew up poor and at certain points I was homeless, it's all very clean and I don't have any feelings for him. Then I meet this handsome, sweet, sweet guy in my music theory class and fuck I fall for him immediately. He has a beautiful smile and the sexiest arms and he is so kind and I just....  It's you and I love you so much and I don't and never have feel that way towards Oli. I see myself growing old with you and I know Oli isn't gonna be around forever but fuck, I'm getting a free ride through college and living a nice life just by giving a handjob and I understand if you wanna break up with me, I would too if I was you!" I ramble, realizing I'm crying now and that I'm grasping onto his upper arms like my life depends on it.

I quickly let go, backing up and wiping the tears off my face. Vic stares at me with such an intense look I wanna melt into the ground. He grabs me and I almost flinch but then he pulls me in and he is kissing me. I kiss back immediately, hoping this isn't our last kiss, but if it is I want it to be the goddamn best kiss he has ever had. He pulls away too soon though. "So... This Oli guy, no feelings?" He asks "god no, he is sweet but is not my type at all. I like short Mexicans with no tattoos and gorgeous arms" I whisper, my voice hoarse, he smiles "and...  He has a husband?" Vic continues "yes, and his husband knows and I know his husband really well, we were in a class once together. His husband is a bit odd, he is also ace or something, Oli doesn't really talk about it. Either way it's all chill and it's been working fine for the past two years but if you want I can call it off and actually get a boring office job and we can live in a dingy apartment together" I explain to him. He laughs "no, don't. I mean.... Maybe I can get in on this nice living and maybe...  move in with you, y'know.... Make up for the whole sugar daddy thing" he teases "are you asking to move in?" I say, a slight chuckle in my voice "I mean...  Yeah, have you seen this place?" He laughs, I quickly nod, and we kiss again.

"So... Were you going to meet up with him tonight?" He asks, I nod and he smiles at me "do you think you can cancel just for tonight?" He asks, "sure, lemme just call him and while I do that call up the pizza place" I instruct hi, he nods in return, heading into my kitchen to grab the phone. I walk into my bedroom and close the door behind me, taking my cellphone and dialling Oli's number. I sit down on the small couch (you know those backless couches, kind of benches but have couch arms at either end?) at the end of my bed, taking off my shoes as the phone rings.

"Hey K" Oli says as he picks up "hey O.  So, I told Vic about the whole situation" I start off "oh shit, what did he say?"
"He was surprised and a bit upset at first, but with some explaining he came around and is totally okay with it. But I think he is feeling a bit vulnerable right now, so I'm wondering if it's good if I take the night off and we can meet up tomorrow instead?"
"Yeah of course, tomorrow same time?"
"Yes, but tonight you should take out that husband of yours, you are terrible at showing Josh off"
"Josh would die from embarrassment if I took him out. He can barely handle coming to the office, let alone a party or a fancy date"
"Order pizza and a movie, not everything has to be extravagant in your world!"
"I know, but it's so nice getting to go out in a fancy setting that isn't work related. Also getting your dick sucked in the car afterwards is great"
"Haha, keep speaking like that and you won't be getting your dick sucked in the backseat tomorrow"
"Mmmm I'll bite my tongue™ then. Well, I'm gonna go order pizza for Josh for when he gets home, see you tomorrow"
"See you then" I say, hanging up.

Putting my shoes back into the closet and undressing, grabbing a pair of dark grey joggers and a large black sweater. I walk back into the living room and I sneak up behind Vic who is looking at my everlasting DVD collection, I hug him from behind. He leans back into the hug "is he cool with it?" Vic asks "of course, I got him to take his husband up on a pizza and movie night. Now, let's stop talking about him and get onto pizza, a movie and then a... Naughty bath" I whisper the last bit and I feel Vic shiver. "Sounds great" he replies.

Idk, feeling quite shit from my whole surgery thing. But I'll be okay

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