Perrentes• Drummer's Girlfriend

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So in this world PTV is bigger but they don't have Tony in the band, but Mike is dating Tony and he's a girl in this

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So in this world PTV is bigger but they don't have Tony in the band, but Mike is dating Tony and he's a girl in this.


Mike was playing this really neat club in San Diego so I got to come and watch, although the problem with going to see them live is the big groups of paparazzi and obsessive fans. I haven't seen him in over two and a half months because of his non stop touring.

I am just grabbing my wallet when my phone starts to ring, I huff and answer it quickly "hello, Toni speaking!" I chirp, fiddling with my keys and turning off the light in my bedroom. "Hey, I've arranged for someone to pick you up" it's Mike, I grin "not even a simple "how are you" touring has changed you my sweet boyfriend. That's incredibly sweet, but I was just gonna drive there" I tell him "excuse me, let me treat you to something nice, plus it's a little hectic out there and I'd feel better if I knew you were gonna be okay getting in" he explains and my smile grows more "absolutely adorable, well I'm gonna head out now so I'll see you in a bit mister" I tell him as I walk out of the house and lock the door behind me. I look up after he says goodbye, I turn off my phone and notice the limo waiting for me. (There's a difference between a limo and a stretch limo, so it's just like a small stretch limo lol)

The driver was very stoic, so I spent the drive kind of dicking around with snapchat filters. We get there and I'm shocked by the giant crowds and the amount of cameras. I put on my sunglasses, and am about to get out of the car when the door was opened for me and a big burly guy appeared, he put his hand out and I grabbed it, he kind of pulled me out and covered me while pushing me into the backdoor of the venue, avoiding lots of the crowd trying to get at me. The man shuts the door behind me and walks away, he was a little too handsy for me to be honest.

I walk down a hallway and find the door with the band's logo on the paper on the door. I open the door and see Mike sitting in the corner with his practice drums, he's facing away from the door and drumming away, Vic who has his headphones on smiles at me and gets off the couch and gives me a hug and then leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. "Big crowd out there huh" I smirk, leaning back against the door, Mike looks up and behind himself, his once neutral face turns into a big grin.

He gets up from the chair quickly and awkwardly knocks it over with his long legs, he rushes towards me and pushes me against the door, kissing me, he grips my waist. He pulls away, grinning like a mad man "I missed you" I whisper, "I missed you even more, I'm kind of over being around all these boys" he explains, I make an "mm" noise and continue to kiss him. He pulls away and smiles at me, "I hate to say this, but I've gotta show to play and I'm not gonna be able to kiss you while drumming" he tells me "I think you could do it" I tell him, smiling, he laughs and kisses my cheek, he leaves the room and I follow him.

I stand on the side of the stage, I hold a set of his drumsticks and just as he finishes one of their songs one of his sticks snap, I walk behind the whole set up and get up next to him, I give him a kiss on the cheek and give him the new drumsticks, he pulls me onto his knee and kisses me, the crowd going crazy, I smirk and kiss him on the cheek (Again) and hop off the drum platform.


The venue had a shower so I waited for Mike as he was showering, I was settled down on the couch in the dressing room, Danielle was also in the room, we were chatting, she was telling me about this shoot she was doing earlier "I need to get back into shoots" I sigh, staring at my nails "you should! I've got some contacts actually, I'll text you them later" she tells me. "Hey, I'm ready to go" Mike says, walking into the room, he was staying the night back at home before finishing up the tour, I smile at him "that's my queue. We are gonna head out but text me, and we definitely need to get lunch soon" I tell Danielle "most definitely" she confirms, walking out of the room.

Mike kisses my forehead before walking out of the venue, his hand on the small of my back as he leads me through. Cameras are going off and fans are yelling, it feels like Beatlemania, paparazzi are yelling random things at us, Mike is slightly shielding me from everything. We get to the limo and he opens the door for me, and he lightly pushes me in. He slides in next to me and shuts the door quickly.

"I hate getting pushy with you, sorry, it's just I hate those crowds and I'm nervous having you in them" Mike explains, I smirk at him and give him a small kiss "have I mentioned how sweet you are?" I ask him, "you could mention it more, I'm glad to see you again" he replies. I snuggle up to him "I'm sad that you have to leave tomorrow" I tell him, holding his hand "I'm sad too, but it's only 5 days then I'm back for at least 3 weeks" he tells me. I grab his face and pull him towards me, kissing him harshly. 

We end the night in bed, his arms around me, my head on his naked chest, my eyes half lidded from being tired out from more strenuous activities. "I love you" I whisper to him, "I love you too" he mumbles back, I nuzzle my head into his neck and close my eyes fully, breathing in his scent as I feel him playing with my hair.

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