Kellic• Guys My Age

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Kells outfit^^Also female Kellin and Tony

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Kells outfit^^
Also female Kellin and Tony


I applied my ruby red lipstick and looked into the mirror, pursing my lips, I hear a whistle from the door and I look behind me to see my best friend, Tony. I smile at her "what?" I ask "nothing just you're very dressed up for some shitty party" Tony teases "well I'm ready to move on" I tell her, referring to my last boyfriend, Oli. He was a dumbass, he was also 19 like me, but he was a shitlord. He had no respect for anyone, he would cancel on me all the time, we never did anything and he forgot my birthday! I was surprised when he ended up being a terrible boyfriend because he was such a kind friend, and now he won't even talk to me, immature asshole.

Tony grins at me "well, Mike said that there was gonna be college guys but Mike can be a dumbass sometimes" Tony shrugs, I laugh and turn around, leaning back on the counter and smiling "well, I hope it's a good time not like the last one" I tell Tony and she smiles at me and grabs my hand and we walk out of our apartment and to Tony's car.

We drive and rock out to Weezer on the way to the Fuentes house and when we get there I see red solo cups and loud music, so I'm already over it, rolling my eyes. We walk into the house and it's full of people, some are dancing, some are drinking from red cups. Tony sees Mike so she grabs my wrist and leads me over to him into the kitchen, Mike sees us and grabs two solo cups and a clear bottle, pouring the liquid into the cups and handing it to us. Mike walks around the kitchen and grabs Tony, kissing her cheek. I wink st her before walking away and finding myself in a different room.

I sit down on a couch in the den, there is less people in the den but still way too many for me. I continue to sip from my  cup and finally I see a really hot guy. I put down my drink and quickly rush into the bathroom, making sure my makeup still looked good. I walk back into the den and make sure the guy catches my eye before I slowly take off my jacket and walk over to him.

"Hey" I whisper, he smiles at me and grabs my hips "hey baby" he says quietly back to me, our faces getting close. The music starts playing through the den and we start dancing. "I'm Kellin" I tell him over the music "I'm Vic" he replies and I smile, Vic, what a hot name. His grip on my hips harden and I smirk as we dance to the music.

After awhile I get warm and I smile "I'm gonna get a drink" I tell him, kissing his cheek before walking off and into the kitchen, I see Tony and Mike making out on the counter "get a room" I tell them, Mike moves away as Tony blushes and smiles at me. Mike whispers to Tony and leaves the room. "Where'd you go off to?" Tony asks as I pour myself a drink "I uh- danced with a hot guy and kissed him on the cheek" I tell Tony, she laughs "do you know who?" She asked I blush "yeah, this guy named Vic" I tell her and her eyes widen. "Vic?! Vic, on the shorter side, long brown hair, hat?" Tony asks and I nod, biting my lip "Vic Fuentes!" Tony squeals out and my eyes widen "shit!" I giggle.

Mike, Tony and I have been friends since we were kids and Vic Fuentes was Mike's older brother, he was handsome and kind, I liked him since a young age. But I haven't thought about him since... 10th Grade.


Mike had invited me to go to his new pool that his parents installed over the summer, I was so excited that I bought a new bathing suit. It was black, but had cut outs on the sides and it was low cut, along with a halter top. I was right now in a purple kimono and black gladiator sandals. Tony and I are walking through Mike's house when I hear some loud rock music from upstairs and I look over at Tony who shrugs in response. We walk into the backyard and see the nice pool with crystal blue water, along with a shirtless Mike in the pool. I look over to see Tony blushing and I smile at her and her crush on Mike.

"Who was playing the music?" I ask, Mike rolls his eyes "that's Vic, he's home for the summer" Mike explains and I feel my eyes brighten up and I smile, looking up and over at the window of Vic's bedroom, but of course the blinds are closed.

Later when I excuse myself to go to the washroom I go past Vic's bedroom and I see smoke coming out from under the door and I smell a familiar smell of weed. That'd be so hot getting stoned with the Vic Fuentes.

~flashback over~

"Holy shit Tony!" I screech and she smiles with me as we spin around a bit "okay okay, so I just go out there and put on my best sultry vibes" I say, Tony nodding along eagerly. I go to walk out of the kitchen but then Vic walks in and his emotionless face turns to one with a smirk when he sees me, then he glances over and sees Tony "Tony, haven't seen you in awhile" Vic says, and I realize that he doesn't remember me. Yikes. Tony looks over at me, obviously getting what I'm thinking "yeah Vic, hey last time I saw you was the summer your parents got the pool" Tony says with a smile as she drinks from her cup. He smiles at the memory "yeah that was a... Crazy summer, you and Mike and that boy you always hung around" Vic says. Okay okay so I took awhile to develop physically but I hope I wasn't that bad but my name does throw some people off.

Tony just smirks and leaves the room with her cup. "You were taking awhile so I decided to come find you" he says, walking behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, I smile and lean back. "That's very sweet of you" I tell him and he grins kissing my neck. I close my eyes and enjoy the moment, I can't believe that my neck is getting kissed by the Vic Fuentes. "So you know me huh?" He asks and I blush, looking down at the ground when I realize I've said that out loud. "I... Yeah, I used to" I tell him, gulping, "from high school" I continue "did we have any classes together? And what brings you back here?" Vic asks "uh, no. I was younger than you actually. So I actually haven't left here yet" I explain and he stops kissing my neck. "How do you know me?" He asks, still gently swaying us back and forth. "Uh... Well that boy Tony and Mike used to hang out with was me, but I wasn't a boy" I tell him and he pushes me away.

"Kelly Bostwick?" He asks and I blush at the nickname "Kellin Quinn" I correct him and he nods "wow... You've grown" he says and I laugh, throwing my head back. "Yes, I have" I reply and he smiles, grabbing my hand and pulling me close to him, kissing me deeply. After he pulls away he reaches behind me and grabs a bottle of vodka, then he takes us upstairs and into his room. We drink for awhile while laying on his bed, me at the end sideways and him vertical at the top of the bed. I giggle, sitting up and crawling up to him, straddling him and leaning down, my hair falling to my right side, I go to kiss him but he stops me.

"You are too young" he whispers and I sigh in response, tired of hearing that. "Vic, I've been wronged by so many guys my age, they've gone and treated me wrong. My last boyfriend forgot my birthday, please just treat me well. I need someone more mature, who can match me but still put me in my place if need be" I say, biting my lip at the end. He stares at me for a few seconds before grabbing the back of my head and pulling me down to him, kissing me intensely.

"Do you think can match me? Keep up with me?" He asks after he pulls away "mmm, I can keep up with you all day long, don't you worry" I say, smiling and he grins back, pulling me down from his lap and to his side. "You are too cute" he whispers.

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