Frerard• coffee shop and records

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Another one from my general oneshot book

Frankie's POV*

I work at Patricia's Record Shop which is joined in with Petunia (I can't think of a female name for Pete... Sorry) Coffee cafe, they are both in the hipster part of town. I stood in the midst of records, Patricia had run off for more errands, which she does a lot nowadays, leaving me and Rya in charge, but Rya is in the back texting her boyfriend, Brendon (who has been the talk of the shop the last few weeks ever since he first step foot in here). A red headed girl rushes in the store, her clothes askew and her hair messy "I know it's my first day and I am so sorry I am late!" She exclaims, digging in her purse "excuse me?" I ask, new girl? "Petunia, right?" She asks me "no, I'm Frankie. You have mistaken this for Petunia's which is right now door" I tell her, her eyes widen "I- I am so sorry" she rushes out and then she runs out the door and I watch her through the window as she runs into Petunia's. Rya comes out and starts looking through the new boxes of records we got last night.

~a little later~

"Coffee run" I tell Rya as she sorts through CDs "the usual for me please" she says, determined to find the missing Taking Back Sunday CD. I grab my purse and walk out of the store and into Petunia's. It's busier than usual, I order our drinks and donuts, I tell the cashier, who happens to be the ginger prince himself, Alan Ashby, one of the regulars in the store, I tell him about the new records we got so he can swing by after his shift. As I wait for my order I decide to use the washroom because the one at the shop is gross and bathroom duty is tomorrow, Victoria is on it tomorrow, poor her.

As I pull my pants up I hear someone run into the bathroom and I hear them breathing heavy. "Georgia Way, you can do this! If your kid sister can do this job then so can you!" I hear the person say into the mirror, last name Way? Kid sister? Mitchy Way has an older sister? Of course! Georgia Way is the aloof sister Mitchy talks about! "You didn't come back into this gross city just to slip back into old habits! I promised Michelle that I was able to do this" the girl says to herself. Silence. Silence fills the bathroom.

After awhile I leave the stall and as I go to wash my hands I see Georgia standing there, she looks at me through the mirror and her eyes widen. "You must think I'm insane, you're only catching me at my worst moments though, I'm not usually like this" she says to me, I smile and nod. "Of course, I don't think you're insane. Mitchy used to talk about you all the time" I tell her as I bump her out of the way to wash my hands. "Used to?" She asks "yeah, she quieted down after she started to date Petunia" I tell her "date?" She asks, I let out an awkward cough "I guess that was private information" I whisper, she looks down and nods. "how's the first day on the job?" I ask her quickly, getting off the subject "awful! I was late, I was crazy flustered and it has been so busy today" she complains, I laugh "good busy or chaos busy?" I ask "chaos" she replies "yeah, that happens a lot when Petunia isn't around" I tell her as I dry my hands. I look at her and I feel pitiful. "Georgia?" I ask when I notice she seems extra quiet "hmm" she replies, I pull her into a hug, "you're strong, you can do this" I whisper to her. She nods into my shoulder. When I pull away I grab her hands "tell you what, after your shift, grab a coffee, come into the record shop and we can look we some music and maybe you can walk away with a free vinyl and a date" I tell her, she looks wide eyed at me. I wink at her and then I walk out of the bathroom. I grab my order and pull Alan aside "make sure Georgia is doing okay" I tell him before walking out.

"Rya it's been slow today and I know you are dying to go get milkshakes with Brendon so go and I'll close up for the day" I call from the front as I straighten up some posters. She bursts through the back "really?!" She exclaims, I smile "yes! Go have fun, bring me back all the details" I tell her, she nods quickly, grabbing her bag and rushing out of the store. I fluff out the pillows on the couch near the back of the store when I hear the doorbell ring. I look up and see a very flustered looking Georgia Way with a coffee in hands.

"Well hello Miss Georgia" I say, a smirk tattooed on my face. She blushes and I laugh, walking past all the counters with records, CDs, poster, shirts and etc. "hi" she squeaks "okay, so music! What do you listen to? We have got pretty much everything" I tell her as I start sorting through albums "Uh- Misfits, David Bowie, Queen and uh- The Ramones?" She says, a little unsure "oh we just got this collectors Bowie vinyl and since today has been a slow day no one has nabbed it yet" I suggest, her eyes light up "really?!" She asks, I smile and nod. Grabbing her hand I lead her over to the records.

An hour later we are at the cashier and I'm laughing at some corny joke she made "that was so bad" I smile as I ring up some of her stuff. I put everything except one thing in a bag. I grab one of the special bags and I put my number on sharpie on it. I put the Bowie album in it "I didn't pay for that one yet" she comments "it's my treat don't worry" I tell her, she gasps "you can't!" She says "of course I can, consider it a 'good job on your first day' present" I tell her and she smirks "thank you" she tells me. I smile and walk back around the corner and walk her to the front of the store. "My number is on the bag so text me and we will set up a day for the date. I'll be in the coffee store tomorrow so I'll see you there" I explain and she nods, blushing. Do it! my mind urges. I kiss her on the cheek and she blushes even more "I'll text you" she whispers as she leaves.

We spend the next few months just exchanging coffee and records, having a good time. We've gone on a few dates here and there. The door dings and I look up from the stool behind the counter to see Gee standing there, she smiles and walks forward. She leans over the counter and pecks my lips, she pulls away "what are you doing here?" I ask "lunch break" she replies, I nod in understanding, I usually go to the coffee shop on my lunch break. Walking around the counter I grab her waist and I pull her close "you are too cute" I tell her, booping her nose which makes her giggle.

"Frankie- Georgia!?" A voice from the door shrieks, I look over and see Mitchy. You see, Mitchy is the kind of person who disappears for awhile and then comes back as if you saw them yesterday. She travels a lot though so that makes more sense. "Michelle!" Gee exclaims, pushing me away from her. Mitchy smiles and walks forward "one of my best friends and my sister? What a surprise!" She grins and I see Georgia visibly relax.

After Mitchy leaves to go find Petunia I start trying to find the Depache Mode record for Gee. She wraps her arms around me waist. "I love you and your records" she mumbles against my back "I love you and your coffee" I whisper back.

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