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High key inspo because omg this is so cute i cry

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High key inspo because omg this is so cute i cry

Cam is punk af and Sam is pastel af, Sam with current hair but no beard!

Okay so that's basically the outline of the parlour, the front wall has windows

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Okay so that's basically the outline of the parlour, the front wall has windows. The kind of round things are couches btw and the things in the middle of the tattoo areas are tattoo chairs. The thing in the back room is a bar with a mini fridge and yeah.

*Sam's POV*

I walk into Alexandria Parlour and see Ben sitting at the front desk, feet on the old wood desk, he seems to be sketching something out. "Hey Ben!" I smile, he looks up and returns the smile "hey Sammy, here to see Cam?" He asks, I nod "of course" I reply "well sorry for assuming you'd come see the others. Y'know before your big fashion break you were just a small tattoo artist like us" he jokes, I roll my eyes at him "I would see you guys more but I now know much cooler people obviously" I tease, it's his turn to role his eyes. "Well, Cameron is probably in the back having a beer with the guys" Ben mutters, getting back into his sketch "thanks" I reply.

I walk into the back room, opening the door that I once painted many moons ago, the walls of the parlour are also colourful from my once painting when we all first bought this building. I see Cameron with a beer in hand, chatting with Danny and James who both have beers in hand too. "Cammy" I squeak, they all look up and smile, "that's my mom coming to pick me up" Cameron jokes and they all laugh while I roll my eyes. "Well, we can't keep you. Get him out of here! He stinks" Danny laughs "I'll just have to give him a bath then" I joke as Cameron grabs his leather jacket and wallet from off the tattered, old leather couch that they have somehow still kept. "That couch has got to be a health hazard by now" I tell Cameron as we walk out into the main part of the parlour "eh, it's in the back, we don't keep any of the stuff back there anymore so it's no big deal. We can still comfortably sit in it so it 's all good" Cameron explains.

As we walk into the front area a wild Denis has appeared, standing in front of the front desk, looking at his watch and then looking at Ben. "Hey Denis, what's up?" I ask "oh nothing, just Ben forgetting we had a date today" Denis replies, giving a sarcastic smile, Ben suddenly appears from the supply closet "sorry babe, I feel so bad" he quickly says, moving towards Denis and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Yeah yeah yeah, y'know I could get so many guys and girls yet I stay with you, I wonder why" Denis teases, knowing Ben can get jealous and hostile. "Haha, now come on. We'll go get dinner and then see a late movie, my treat" Ben offers, Denis gives a big smile and nods. "Shit, right, Ben your mom dropped off a letter for you in the back" Cameron says randomly "Where in the back?" Ben asks, looking a little concerned, Cameron pulls a face in response "I'll help you look" he grumbles. They head into the back room together, leaving me and Denis.

"You aren't really that sad about him forgetting about the date are you?"
I ask, he smiles and giggles "no, but you know Ben. It's rare that he even shows affection like this, and to offer to pay! I can't miss out on this" Denis giggles, I smile in response "my lips are sealed, no worries" I tell Denis. "We gotta get lunch at some point" I comment, Denis nodding quickly "yes! Whenever I try to set a date with you you are always busy running around doing some runway or something" Denis says and I grin sheepishly "sorry, it's just been really busy recently but it's dying down now so how about Friday?"  I suggest and he smiles "sounds great, how about the cafe that's a few blocks from here?" Denis asks and I grin "I love that place, I wait there for Cam when he goes overtime" I say, rolling my eyes after. "Sounds great" Denis says as Ben and Cameron come over to us, Cameron wrapping his arm around me and squeezing my side. I smile and look up at him as we walk out of the shop, parting ways from Denis and Ben.

We decide to walk home since it's close enough "how was your day?" Cameron asks and I sigh, truth be told it hasn't been great. I work as a fashion director, basically I run runways, companies hire me to set up shows and everything, I also do some free lance work for companies for designing clothes. It's okay, it makes good money and I enjoy it but I wish I was a stable fashion designer. I used to work with rest of the guys at the parlour, it was a lot of fun but it wasn't me, I work very masculine clothes, I acted out a lot, it wasn't good. So a year after buying the parlour I left and started doing my fashion work and now I'm here, after I left the guys kind of forgot about me but then I started dating Cam, who was the only who stayed in contact with me. I introduced Ben and Denis at a party awhile ago too.

"My day was fine, just running around a lot, ready to go home and take a bath maybe" I tell him and he nods in understanding, grabbing my hand and squeezing it in comfort "I'm sorry to hear that" he tells me and I shrug, nothing I could really do about it. "What about your day?" I ask and he shrugs "it was fine, Danny got a bit pissed early but we dealt with it and it's fine now. Did some hip and thigh today for a girl named Ella today and then a small hand tattoo for a guy named Mark and then started an under boob tattoo for a girl named Stella, it's gonna look real cool" Cam explains and I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy. Cam is bi and I knew him before dating me and the stuff he would say to me  and the guys sometimes so I just can help but be nervous at times. He pulls me close and side hugs me "I know what you're thinking and no, she's way too edgy for me. I like more pastel brown haired guys who work in fashion" Cam says and I smile at the comforting words.

We get to a low fenced area and I hop onto it, walking carefully on it, one foot in front of the other. I stumble slightly and Cameron grabs my hand just in case, he keeps his hand intertwined with mine and I smile at his cold hand in my warm hand. I get to the end of the fence and Cameron reaches up, grabbing my waist and helping me jump down, he pulls me close and I lean up, him leaning down slightly and we meet in the middle. I sneak my hands up and cup his cheeks to pull him closer. We pull away after a few seconds and I smile, rubbing my thumb on his face and he smirks at me.

We walk back home, hand in hand. He goes to his office to sketch some stuff up and I go take a bath. After I'm done we settle on the couch together with a pizza and we watch an episode of Gilmore Girls, Cam may say he doesn't like it and he only watches it for me, but I know he likes it and I know he has lots of opinions on Rory's boyfriends. I sigh, nuzzling into his chest and wrapping my arms around him, closing my eyes for a second and just breathing it all in. I love him so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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