Natsu x Reader ~ Confession

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A/N~ Y/N= your name 
e/n= Exceeds name
y/m= your magic


It was a typical day at Fairytail, everyone was having a good time smiling and laughing, Natsu and Grey fighting as usual.

I was sitting at the bar when I hear Lucy yell, "Y/N DUCK!" I turned around and saw that Grey had dodged Natsu's hit and that hit was coming right towards me.

Without thinking I used my y/m magic to put up a shield just in time.

"Wow she's quick." I heard Grey say under his breath.

After that I went on a mission with my exceed, e/n, all afternoon.

----Time skip-----

When we were walking home it was already dark out. I saw someone at my front door so I started to walk quietly to see if I could figure out who it was.

"You know I can see you right." they said.

I knew that voice, Natsu.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him as I approached my front door.

"I came to apologize for what happened earlier." he said.

"It's fine," I said smiling a little, "If anything you just helped me heighten my senses when attacks are coming towards me and I don't see them."

He nodded agreeingly and put one of his hands on the back of his neck and looked down at the ground.

"Listen I wanted to tell you that I-I really like you and I get it if you don't return the feeling, even after my hit almost hit you." he spit out all at once.

He was still looking at the ground when I smiled and grabbed the hand that wasn't behind his head.

He looked up with confusion on his face.

"I like you too. Alot." I said.

His face lit up, "Really!? I just thought because of what happened you wouldn't."

"I do. I have for a while now." I said and noticed he was blushing and I could feel the heat on my cheeks rise.

At that moment he removed the hand that was behind his head and put it on my cheek, while still holding my other hand.

And he connected our lips. His lips were so soft and warm which makes sense since he's the fire dragon slayer.

When we pulled away for air we were both blushing like crazy.

He leaned his forehead against mine and said, "I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Natsu."

And at that moment I knew that he meant it because of the feelings we shared for each other.

A/N~ I hope you guys liked my first FairyTail x Reader. I'm always open for requests if anyone has any. I hope you enjoy the rest of my stories after this! :)

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