Rogue x Reader

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It was pouring out side when all of a sudden it started to thunder and there was lighting.

'Don't think about it Y/N. It will stop soon, just continue with the laundry.' I thought to myself.

This is going to be hell.

The bad weather continued and I was sitting in the living room wondering why the boys weren't home yet. We live together, we're a team.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the door open and saw it was Sting and Rogue. They went without the exceeds because Lector was sick and Fro wanted to stay with him so they both stayed with me.

I got up and ran to them and pulled them into a group hug.

"Your back!" I said happily.

"Yeah." Sting said laughing a little.

I pulled away and said, "What took you guys so long?", while checking them for injuries.

"More monsters then we thought." Sting said making his way to the stairs to go to his room.

"Nononononono." I said waving one of my fingers while walking over to him.

"You are NOT going upstairs with your wet clothes." I said turning to Rogue who was still standing around the door finishing taking his shoes off seeming to know better then to walk around the house with wet clothes on, "I'll get you guys towels to dry off down here," I said while going up the stairs. I was wearing my short pajama shorts and I knew both of them were staring at my butt while I walked up the stairs, so  I gave a little wiggle and since I'm a dragon slayer also, I heard both of them suck in a little breath and I smiled at myself and turned around almost at the top of the steps, "You guys start taking your wet clothes off while I get the towels." I said and went to the bathroom and got two towels out and brought them back down stairs to the boys.

Sting didn't have anything on but boxers that were white and Rogue had only taken his shirt and socks off.

How weird, why wouldn't he take the rest off?, I thought to myself.

I tossed the towel to Sting at the bottom of the steps and made my way over to Rogue by the door.

"H-here you go." I said handing him the towel while blushing.

He took it and said, "T-thanks."

I really like Rogue but he doesn't feel the same, I'm sure of it.

I turned away so I wouldn't look weird when I remembered the laundry.

"Hey there's warm clothes in the dryer if you guys want." I said.

"Yes pleasee." Sting said with a grin.

I laughed and went to get the clothes.

For Sting I had a pair of pants, socks, and a t-shirt and for Rogue I had just a pair of pants and a shirt.

I handed them both to the boys and they said their thanks you's. I started to walk to the kitchen when lightening struck out side and I gasped and just walked faster into the kitchen.

"Hey Y/N, do you have any food we could eat, I know we live together but do you? I'll make dinner tomorrow if you want?" I heard Sting say from the living room.

I smiled to myself and said, "Yeah there's food. Just come to the kitchen."

In a matter of seconds both boys were in the kitchen sitting at the island.

I noticed Sting was fully clothed but Rogue didn't have a shirt on. I couldn't help but stare. He looked up at me while I was staring and gave me a small smile and I knew I was caught because when I looked at Sting he was smirking at me.

I turned around to the oven and took the frying pan that had spaghetti with chicken and placed in on the island.

Sting lifted the top and as soon as he opened it he said, "My favorite!", like a child.

I giggled a little and turned around to get silverware and plate's for them since I had already eaten.

"Mmm you didn't have to make my favorite." Sting said with a mouth full of spaghetti.

I giggled and said, "Well what are best friends for?"

"Yeah... bestfriends." Rogue said to himself under his breath.

I pretended I didn't hear him because I was confused and said, "I'll make your favorite tomorrow for lunch Rogue.", smiling at him.

He just nodded his head and continued eating.

They both ate all of the food and when they were done they went into the living room.

I stayed in the kitchen washing the dishes since it's my night to cook and clean them since they're back.

"I'm going to bed, night Rogue." I heard Sting say in the living room.

"Night Y/N." He said and gave me a kiss on the head like he always does. He's done it since we were little.

"Night Sting." I said back giving him a little hug.

He left and went upstairs.

I finished the dishes and was drying my hands on the towel when Rogue walked into the kitchen again.

"H-hey can we talk?" He said nervously.

"Y-yeah." I said as he came behind the island and leaned on it so we were face to face.

"Listen, I've been thinking about you, a lot. And I realized that I really love you and I get it if you don't feel the same but I just needed to get this out and the way you walked up the stairs earlier I didn't think I'd last long," Rogue took a deep breath and held both of my hands,"Y/N I love you....... will you be my girlfriend?"

I was over joyed.

"I have liked you a lot for a while too. So Rogue..... I'll be your girlfriend!" I said while hugging his torso.

He hesitated at first but then hugged back.

He brought his left hand to my face and lifted my chin so we would be looking into each others eyes. He then leaned down and kissed me. Sweet and passionate.

When we pulled away for air I leaned my head against his chest and Rogue said, "I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Rogue." I said back smiling and giving him another hug.

At that moment with Rogue I forgot all about my small fear of thunder and lighting.

Extended Ending

"Awwwwwwww." we heard from the doorway of the kitchen.

We turned to see and it was Sting, Fro and Lector all looking at us.

"Too cute." Lector said putting his paws to his cheeks.

"Fro thinks so too!" Froch said adorable as usual.

Rogue and I laughed a little and then Sting said, "I'm really happy for you two. You guys finally confessed to each other.", with a sweet innocent smile.

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