Sting x Reader ~ T or D? Pt. 2

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'I couldn't help but melt when he was touching me, not to mention kissing me.

It was full of passion and feelings that I knew I had for him.

This night was going great so far.'


By the end of the night we had all done stupid things except Happy who was well asleep already.

Gray had humped Lucy's leg like a small dog.

Erza and Mira ate a banana together from opposite ends at the same time.

Rogue  streaked.

Lucy gave Natsu's thumb a bj.

I licked Natsu's cheek on all fours.

Natsu put his hands up my shirt, which Sting did not enjoy.

Sting had "commanded" me to suck anywhere on him, which turned out to be on his collarbone, that ended up being a hickey. I was kinda embarrassed though he said it was okay and he liked it.

The game continued after that with more of those dares and though it was Truth or Dare, we all picked dare on our turns.

We had a lot of fun but we were all getting tired and thought it would be best to leave.

"You guys should just stay over, it's really late and we're all tired." Rogue said to us.

"You do have a point, maybe we should stay over," Mira said looking at us then turning to Rogue, "only if that's okay with you guys."

"Of course it's okay with us, you're our friends and we have extra blankets and stuff you guys can use." Rogue said.

Once we all agreed Rouge, Erza and Lucy went upstairs to get the blankets and pillows.

We were setting up the living room when I noticed Rogue called Mira out into the hallway.

I wasn't the only one who saw this. Erza did too.

"I wonder what he's saying to her for her to be blushing." I whispered to Erza.

"I don't know maybe she's getting V.I.P access, if you know what I mean." Erza said smirking at me.

"Maybe." I said back.

Mira then walked over to us and was blushing.

"So Mira what was that about?" Erza asked her.

"He invited me to sleep with him tonight." Mira said happily.

"Did you say yes?" I asked her kinda excitingly.

"Yeah!" Mira exclaimed.

"Now don't do anything I wouldn't do Mira." Erza warned laughing.

"You know you'd do that too." Mira said laughing and being led away by Rogue taking her hand and going upstairs.

"Yeah." Erza said with a happy sigh from laughing.

We had just finished the boys "beds" and I was about to start mine when I felt a hand on my waist with a light grip.

"Your sleepin' with me tonight gorgeous." Sting whispered seductively in my ear.

I couldn't help but shiver from how warm his breath was.

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