Gildarts x Reader ~ A Daddy Complex

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A/N~ Hey guys, this one isn't mine, it's one I found online and really liked and wanted to put in my book. I found it on and it's by LittlePrincessNana. Credits to her, but I'm going to change it to an x Reader because she originally wrote it as Lucy x Gildarts and also originally named A Daddy Complex. But anyways I hope you enjoy!

F/N~ First name

E/C~ Eye color



"F/N-Chan, you're kidding right?"

I glanced over at my best friend and gave a shrug of my shoulder. I don't know why it's so hard to comprehend. Okay, no. I get that it's probably a little shocking. I mean, he isn't exactly the most likely candidate. He's older and definitely NOT the dating type. Some of the girls in the guild have actually admitted to thinking he's creepy. But I just don't see it. I like that he's older. I like older men. They're more comfortable and know their way around a woman's body. "No, I'm not."

Levy blinked as she studied me, probably trying to figure out if I was running a fever with this fit. I could see she just didn't get it. I probably shouldn't have said anything but GAH! I had to tell someone. It's been killing me to not just get it off my chest. I figured if I got it out, I could avoid the whole near disaster that the crush could cause. Cana would kill me. Erza would kill him and then me. Mira would scream about babies before going she-demon on everyone. Natsu...Gray...everyone else? We'll just say they'd all have a litter of kittens before checking me into the nearest psych ward.

"Why? I mean..." I saw her pause and glance across the guild hall before she turned back to give me that same crazy expression. "He's old enough to be your dad and...well...that's kinda weird."

I chuckled at the response and let my eyes wander over to where he was propping the bar up. Maybe I should be repulsed by my own thoughts but I'm not. I can't count the number of times I've wanted to run my fingers through his auburn hair or undo the clasps that held the tattered and weather beaten cloak that always draped over his tall frame. I often wonder what he smells like. Mavis I can only imagine it's all man. Just thinking about him touching me or feeling his stubble against my skin...yea, I'll have to change my panties...again.

I struggle to rip my gaze away from him, pushing the thoughts of my fingers tracing over the scars on his chest and ripping those wraps off so that I could feast on what had to be beautiful abs aside. She actually laughs when I look back, knowing my face is probably a few shades of red and I just sigh. "Okay but yet you don't seem to have a problem with Jet being so much older than you now." I see her jaw drop a little and I smirk. She didn't think I knew all about the fact that those two had been sneaking off for weeks now. Kind of hard to keep it a secret when she pops up afterwards with barely covered hickies. I was kind of surprised given I thought she and Gajeel were an item but I guess not.

"F/N that's a little different."

I suddenly feel bad when her voice is barely above a whisper. She isn't ready to talk about it and I should have kept my mouth shut I guess. But hell, I just admitted to having a serious crush on Gildarts Clive to her! "How so Levy-chan? Other than the fact that you could actually have a full-fledged relationship with Jet and him..." I pause and glance back over at the tall drink of water with a sigh. "Well, he's a man whore and that's okay. I them older is all I guess."

"Yeah...I guess, I didn't think about it that way." Her voice made me turn back and she gave me a frown. "Maybe that's it. I don't want you getting hurt and yeah, I don't get the fascination with someone that could be your father."

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